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A Future Poll DE or Str8. . .



I'd like to know, how many B&B's are DE, how many are Str8's?

Who will count it?


I may try a straight at some point, but I think it will be for experimental purposes--I wear a beard, so I doubt the neck-and-cheek trim will go as smoothly with a straight as with a DE.


Once the DE step was made, many blades were purchased. De shaving works great. Why go to straight at this point?

If I ever back away from that it will be to a SE not a DE. I have no expectation of doing that but to go all hypothetical, perhaps due to the extra maintenance required.
I started on a straight,
I got a few more coming in.
I also tried DE.
I liked both, but the straight shaves closer and it takes longer for any stubble to appear.
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
DE but in the process of switching to straight exclusively
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