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A better shower soap than shave!

Recently finished a puck of Burts Bees Bay Rum shave soap that, whilst offering much to be desired in the shave department made a superb shower soap due to it's delightful scent.

Curious as to soaps you may have bought that, whilst ineffective in their primary role, proved satisfactory in the shower or bath? Not talking about "crap shave, crap scent, used it in shower" but "smelled great, couldn't toss it, loved it in another way..."
I have been tempted to take my Dr Dittmar soap into the shower as it smells so nice but that would be a waste of good shave soap.
I like the smell of Arko for shaving but would never use it as shower soap I think it would be just a little too much.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I picked up a puck of the new lime soap from Crabtree & Evelyn. It only cost me $2 with a gift voucher I had, so I thought I'd give it a shot. My last experience with C&E hard soap was underwhelming, but if that is the case again my plan is to use it in the shower.
I have been tempted to take my Dr Dittmar soap into the shower as it smells so nice but that would be a waste of good shave soap.
I like the smell of Arko for shaving but would never use it as shower soap I think it would be just a little too much.

I just got a puck of Dr. Dittmar and the scent of mine is really subtle. Works well though. I may try it in the shower just for a lark.

My wife loves Arko as a bathe soap. Ivory soap on steroids. I like it better as a shave soap vs a bath soap.

Really? You should. If you don't you'll always wonder if it really was that bad. It's not like it's going to eat your brush or anything (I think).

I moved it to the Bathroom sink for hand washes, I'll probably try using it as a shave stick on my weekend when I'm not getting ready for work. I was thinking about it and your coaxing helped me decide to try once... at least.
In my first week of de shaving I found a bar of Good Fortune Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil 3-in-1 soap. The lather was thin and fleeting but it made a fantastic body soap.
I just got a puck of Dr. Dittmar and the scent of mine is really subtle. Works well though. I may try it in the shower just for a lark.

My wife loves Arko as a bathe soap. Ivory soap on steroids. I like it better as a shave soap vs a bath soap.


Arko as a bath soap? I can't imagine dropping it into our jacuzzi - it'd be like a lather-bomb going off!
Mama bears soaps. Sorry, they have great scents but I can't shave with em. They burn my face and don't produce the best lather IMO
Ogallala Bay Rum. I think it smelled AMAZING, but the lather I got from it wasn't good. So I used it in the shower, I have thought about buying a lot more to use in there again...
Lightfoot's Pine - absolutely the worst shaving soap I have every used, it will not lather. It does work very well as a shower soap.
Mama bears soaps. Sorry, they have great scents but I can't shave with em. They burn my face and don't produce the best lather IMO
Ogallala Bay Rum. I think it smelled AMAZING, but the lather I got from it wasn't good. So I used it in the shower, I have thought about buying a lot more to use in there again...
Ditto for both.
I was able to get an acceptable lather through Uberlathering (I suspect the lather was more from the cream), but both resulted in burning and reddening. Wife thought I had serious razor burn, it felt like a sunburn.
I didn't notice after one or two days, but after 3 days was when my face lit up like a traffic light.
Have not used either since. I binned the Ogallala and milled an Irisch Moos stick into the tin... glad I only paid $5 for it.
I am a fan of glycerin soaps so I always keep a puck of mama bears, conk, or vdh as a hand wash/face soap by the sink. I do think I am about to put a puck of mama bears sandlewood vanilla in the shower. Man I love the smell of that soap. When I had it as a sample, it did not burn my skin, but recently with the puck, gave me a small burn. Will be fine for the body, just not the face.
This is quite common actually. Ive purchased shave soaps that just dont lather the way I like, or that arent slick enough. They tend to make excellent shower/hand soaps. It's a great way to recycle!
I used Williams as a hand soap, it did a great job. I'm about to use my Ogallala as such, it's a disappointment in the lather department. Last time I tried to use it, I got frustrated, wiped it off, and relathered with Speick.
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