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500th post PIF: EJ DE87

I've never owned an EJ razor and would like to try one. My number is 753,211.

Thanks for the wonderful opportunity, and contrats on your bountiful posting. Worthy of celebration indeed, and thanks also for those.
OOOOh, how awesome!

I've never owned an EJ razor and would like to try one. My number is 666,666.

Great Idea, fantastic PIF.
edit - my bad I forgot to put a decimal. Wasn't Sure If We Could Have Them Anyway.

When I said "decimal" in the OP, I meant base 10, as opposed to octal or hexadecimal or any other base. Meaning that my boundaries 1 and 1,000,000 were base 10, not that you have to include a decimal point in your number. You can if you want to, though.

Sure there are - there's an infinite number of them. They're just at right angles, so you can't see them.

Oh, yes, I forgot about the imaginary axis -- it's been a while since high school math. You can bid a complex number, a + bi, if you like, but it will be the same as bidding simply a. This means there's an infinite number of ways to win! Yay! :001_tongu

Less than 22 + 0i hours to go, folks!
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We're coming down to the wire -- one minute after midnight (EDT) tonight!

The EJ is all packed and ready to go. As a bonus, I've thrown in a couple of extra goodies: a stick of Arko shaving soap and a blade sampler of Timors, Souplex and one Personna Lab Prep.

Be sure and get your numbers in before the cut-off!* :behead: ... :laugh:

* As determined by the B&B time stamp on your post.


I got moves like Jagger
Man there's a lot of evil on this thread. You're like the 3rd or 4th guy to pick that number.:001_rolle
What can I say, My nephew's BDay is June.6.2006 .... and they had the nerve to name him "Christian" (as if that's going to help :001_tt2:)
I've never owned an EJ Razor Before and would LOVE to try one. My number is 72,462.... Thanks for the PIF.... Best of Luck in future posts!
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