Hello everyone. I made an investment in myself. After trying electrics shavers, those all in one 1 blade shavers, cartridge razors.....I asked questions and did some research. This is the result. I admit I made a mistake. I bought a box and not a blade sampler. LOL Strong fragrance can trigger a migraine. I was seeking items without strong smells, yet I am fine with menthol, mint, etc. I wanted to try a shave stick and puck. I read that alum can be used on the face or as a natural deodorant. That is why I bought two. The brush is a T3 synthetic. The razor is an Edwin Jagger DB89. I was torn between Edwin Jagger and Murker. My goal was to hopefully invest in a quality shave system that will offer many years of use. Now, it is time to learn and grow my technique. As you can tell from my name, I was born legally blind. Not black blind, but I have no depth perception and 20/1600 left and not measurable right. That means shave by feel, no mirror. I was tired of expensive throw away products. I wanted to invest in myself. Let the fun begin.