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My First Ever Shave Kit Arrived

Hello everyone. I made an investment in myself. After trying electrics shavers, those all in one 1 blade shavers, cartridge razors.....I asked questions and did some research. This is the result. I admit I made a mistake. I bought a box and not a blade sampler. LOL Strong fragrance can trigger a migraine. I was seeking items without strong smells, yet I am fine with menthol, mint, etc. I wanted to try a shave stick and puck. I read that alum can be used on the face or as a natural deodorant. That is why I bought two. The brush is a T3 synthetic. The razor is an Edwin Jagger DB89. I was torn between Edwin Jagger and Murker. My goal was to hopefully invest in a quality shave system that will offer many years of use. Now, it is time to learn and grow my technique. As you can tell from my name, I was born legally blind. Not black blind, but I have no depth perception and 20/1600 left and not measurable right. That means shave by feel, no mirror. I was tired of expensive throw away products. I wanted to invest in myself. Let the fun begin.


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Welcome to B&B! We are so glad that you could join us. Not sure how much lathering you have done as a blind person, but I can imagine that probably is a bit of a challenge. We have a few that I know of here on B&B that are also blind and have gone through the process of learning to lather. Not sure if this would be helpful for you but here is a link to one of those threads.
Can you explain to a blind person how to apply lather? - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/can-you-explain-to-a-blind-person-how-to-apply-lather.648569/
Let the shaves begin!

As suggested above, I would definitely see if geofatboy will let you return the Derbys and pick out some alternatives. I sometimes hear of people liking them, but for me, working through 100 Derby Extras would be a specially designed torture created by the demons in my own personal corner of hell.

Having a blade that is sharp enough for you can make a real difference when you are learning, and there is a high probability that Derbys won't cut the mustard (or the whiskers).
You still need 10000+ blades, 100+ aftershaves, 50+ brushes, 100+ razors, 25+ shaving bowls, 200+ shaving soaps/creams! :lol:

Yikes! Derbies?!?!?! I know shaving is YMMV but those Derbies have a real bad reputation. Maybe they will work for you but they ruined my face when I tried them. I would order a couple blade sample packs. Astra SP's, PermaSharps, Wizamet Super Iridiums, Nacets are worth trying out since they're pretty mild and super smooth.
So when you hear a knife buttering toast sound, that’s the blade cutting whiskers. It’ll let you know you have the angle right. It’s easy enough to shave without a mirror and by touch. Just don’t grab or fit a blade by the sharp edges. Light pressure with the razor, not nearly as much as a cart.

I’m also a never Derby’s person. You have good alternative recommendations if you don’t like them.

good luck!
Hello everyone. I made an investment in myself. After trying electrics shavers, those all in one 1 blade shavers, cartridge razors.....I asked questions and did some research. This is the result. I admit I made a mistake. I bought a box and not a blade sampler. LOL Strong fragrance can trigger a migraine. I was seeking items without strong smells, yet I am fine with menthol, mint, etc. I wanted to try a shave stick and puck. I read that alum can be used on the face or as a natural deodorant. That is why I bought two. The brush is a T3 synthetic. The razor is an Edwin Jagger DB89. I was torn between Edwin Jagger and Murker. My goal was to hopefully invest in a quality shave system that will offer many years of use. Now, it is time to learn and grow my technique. As you can tell from my name, I was born legally blind. Not black blind, but I have no depth perception and 20/1600 left and not measurable right. That means shave by feel, no mirror. I was tired of expensive throw away products. I wanted to invest in myself. Let the fun begin.
Welcome @BlindFarmer !

The nice thing about Arko! is if you like the puck, you can easily smash the stick(s) into puck form to reuse the container.

Head to these links if you're looking for blade samples - @dmshaver

@BlindFarmer How excellent for you to join the party here. I've a Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Filament razor I put up as a pay it forward (PIF) and had no takers. It needs some exercise and it would provide you an experience with an interesting razor. As well, I'll send along a few blades (singles mostly). Of those are a couple of recs mentioned by @euro (Perma-Sharp, Wizamet Iridium.) I've also a couple of Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Strangelet Super Sharp and a couple of others not named. Of all the blades I've tried thus far I lean most favorably toward the Russian made platinum blades.

PM me your shipping details and I'll get this kit out to you next week.

I posted a two part review of the razor:

Part 1: A Noob’s First Experience with Open Comb and Slant Razors: A Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements’ Filament - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/a-noobs-first-experience-with-open-comb-and-slant-razors-a-phoenix-artisan-accoutrements-filament.648432/

Part 2: Review of the Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Filament, Part 2: Return of the Weepers… - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/review-of-the-phoenix-artisan-accoutrements-filament-part-2-return-of-the-weepers.649042/
Don't worry about the Derby blades. There's a few folks around here that like them. I've got no problem with them. Several guys have reported that Derby made low quality blades a few years ago, but then stepped up the quality to an acceptable level.
From what I remember - Derby’s are kind of a 1 & Done blade for me; which honestly is OK these days as now my SR does most of the cutting as opposed to the DE
Welcome, @BlindFarmer ! I'll confess my envy - my first kit had little of the quality you have there. You will be in fine shape for a long time to come.

In less than a year on B&B, I have found an extremely kind and generous community, willing to share advice (and supplies!). Watch for the blade sampler giveaway (I believe there is one going now) along with others.

Enjoy your kit and your shaving journey!
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