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500th post PIF: EJ DE87

As I recently passed the 500-post milestone, I feel it's time to give something back to the B&B community. So I've decided to PIF my Edwin Jagger DE87 razor (picture below).

My EJ hasn't seen much use since my focus shifted to vintage razors a while back -- basically, I used it for a month and then moved on. But it's a beauty, and it would be a shame for it to sit unused in a drawer. So here we go!

I'm opening this up to any B&B member, regardless of number of posts or join date -- as long as you have never owned an Edwin Jagger razor and would like to try one. The way it will work is this: I used random.org to generate a number between 1 and 1,000,000, which I've now tucked up my sleeve. If you want in, post to this thread before 12:01 AM (EDT) on July 24, 2011. The magic words are: "I've never owned an EJ razor and would like to try one. My number is ______." Pick a number between 1 and 1,000,000 (decimal :wink2:). The one who comes closest to my secret number will get the razor (shipping will be on me). In case of a tie, I will use the random-number generator to determine the winner. Only one entry per person, please.

OK? Good luck, and let the fun begin! :shaving:

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Great, guys, keep those numbers coming. One of you is very close to the actual number. Not sayin' who, of course.

By the way, the red bar you see on the razor head is a reflection of a Speick shaving stick box. Thought you might like to know that.
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Congrat for your 500th and thanks for this great PIF. This EJ razor is really nice.
I've never owned an EJ razor and would like to try one. My number is 514,486.
I've never owned an EJ razor and would like to try one. My number is 72990 (chosen by random.org)
Congrats on the 500 posts :001_smile
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