Greetings Everyone,
Once again Badger & Blade has passed another milestone. Today we blew past the 50,000 post mark! The moderators would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for making this site what it is!
We are biased, but we feel that you have made this best shaving forum on the web, bar none. You could search the web all day and not find a nicer group of individuals than the members of this community!
In addition to the wide variety of forums, we’ve added an incredible Review System (the only one offered on the web), a Google map, a DVD, a FAQ, a Fragrance Train, a Chat System, a Hall of Fame (further personalizing this community), our own Badger & Blade Shaving Soap, B&B colognes from multiple vendors, and a Decant Club.
Here’s the best part - we’re only getting started!
Not satisfied with becoming stagnant, we would like to challenge everyone to submit a suggestion to the moderators on how we can improve this site. We are looking for revolutionary, radical, innovative, and earth-shattering ideas. There is nothing that won’t be considered!
Tomorrow morning when you are standing in front of that mirror, take pride in the fact that the rest of us are doing the same…enjoying a great shave!
Thank you once again for being a valuable member of this community!
The Mods.
Once again Badger & Blade has passed another milestone. Today we blew past the 50,000 post mark! The moderators would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for making this site what it is!
We are biased, but we feel that you have made this best shaving forum on the web, bar none. You could search the web all day and not find a nicer group of individuals than the members of this community!
In addition to the wide variety of forums, we’ve added an incredible Review System (the only one offered on the web), a Google map, a DVD, a FAQ, a Fragrance Train, a Chat System, a Hall of Fame (further personalizing this community), our own Badger & Blade Shaving Soap, B&B colognes from multiple vendors, and a Decant Club.
Here’s the best part - we’re only getting started!
Not satisfied with becoming stagnant, we would like to challenge everyone to submit a suggestion to the moderators on how we can improve this site. We are looking for revolutionary, radical, innovative, and earth-shattering ideas. There is nothing that won’t be considered!
Tomorrow morning when you are standing in front of that mirror, take pride in the fact that the rest of us are doing the same…enjoying a great shave!
Thank you once again for being a valuable member of this community!
The Mods.