We presently say there are 3 T's (Geo F. Trumpers, Taylor of Old Bond Street, and Truefitt/Hill). I propose we should include a 4th. Although "the" can seem like a rather unimportant word, when it is part of the name "The Art of Shaving", it should be considered important. The creams seem popular enough here as to be batched in with the others mentioned. Even so, i'm sure I will get flamed for such a let's get on with it! What do you think?
We presently say there are 3 T's (Geo F. Trumpers, Taylor of Old Bond Street, and Truefitt/Hill). I propose we should include a 4th. Although "the" can seem like a rather unimportant word, when it is part of the name "The Art of Shaving", it should be considered important. The creams seem popular enough here as to be batched in with the others mentioned. Even so, i'm sure I will get flamed for such a let's get on with it! What do you think?