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2024 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Year of MacGyver


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1 k? That sounds like a chore. 🤪

Only the final 990m. 😜

Besides, I'm still in.👍
For decades, I never understood running or why anyone would want to do it. Growing up a cyclist and cycling into my adult years, running seemed pointless and stupid.

All that changed when we got our last high enery, muscle, resuce dog. The dog park wasn't working out with distracted dog owners not paying attention to their dogs. I decided to give up cycling to work, so I could run after work with her. It was a slow process and one that took me a while to gain the stamina and desire to even want to do it. We do 5k trail runs in a forest on a daily or 5 day a week basis, summer, spring, fall and winter up to -15*C or so, then it's a 5k walk. I took up running at about 47 and have been doing this routine now for the past 3-4 years.

I still don't look forward to running or get excited about it after putting in a full work day, but after the first 1km or so, I get past the loathing mindset and quite enjoy it. I look down at her and see how much she loves it and I enjoy it even more. We both benefit from the runs. No phones, no people, no earphones, just out in the forest with the sound and views of nature.

I posted more about it here last year.

Still in.
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We do 5k trail runs in a forest on a daily or 5 day a week basis, summer, spring, fall and winter up to -15*C or so, then it's a 5k walk. I took up running at about 47 and have been doing this routine now for just over 3 years.
That sounds great! I was kidding ofcourse. I consider myself to be physically reasonably fit. I take my dog "kwispel" with me on most of my runs, she doesn't like to run when it's above 25 degrees though.

Sounds like we are wired the other way around. I dont really like cycling, mountainbiking aside. But I do so regularly to commute to work. Though I have to admit I have an ebike now (because I really, really hate cycling - really). I do love to run!

My physique isn't the issue. I think I'm just still in the shaving orientation/discovery phase. I started whetshaving in 2021, there's so many nice and shiny things out there. But like I said, aside from the Lambda Ares I believe this grumes have at least taught me to think before spending. And to not spend as much.

I hope to be as resillient as you guys soon. But I'm just not quite there yet.

Ignore the purple spots on his snaut, something went wrong taking the picture, it's quite dark here.

No pic for this morning's shave, but it went really well.

-Feather SR folding shavette with a Kai blade; did two passes with this razor
-Chiseled Face Legacy titanium with an Astra SP for the vandyke area only
-Wickham's Club Cola
-Everready brush
-Pacific Shave Company caffeinated aftershave

I loaded less than I usually do and easily still had enough for the two passes and some to wash down the sink after the shave.

This restraint is teaching me things. In the past, I deliberately loaded way mlre than I needed because I wanted to get through a soap so I could buy a new one. Now I am taking the exact opposite approach and trying to see how good a lather I can make with, say, half or two-thirds what I used to load.

I'm finding that the shave quality isn't diminishing at all, and I am enjoying the products I have, which makes me wonder why did I try to waste product before in the chase for new product?

Viva la differenza.
No pic for this morning's shave, but it went really well.

-Feather SR folding shavette with a Kai blade; did two passes with this razor
-Chiseled Face Legacy titanium with an Astra SP for the vandyke area only
-Wickham's Club Cola
-Everready brush
-Pacific Shave Company caffeinated aftershave

I loaded less than I usually do and easily still had enough for the two passes and some to wash down the sink after the shave.

This restraint is teaching me things. In the past, I deliberately loaded way mlre than I needed because I wanted to get through a soap so I could buy a new one. Now I am taking the exact opposite approach and trying to see how good a lather I can make with, say, half or two-thirds what I used to load.

I'm finding that the shave quality isn't diminishing at all, and I am enjoying the products I have, which makes me wonder why did I try to waste product before in the chase for new product?

Viva la differenza.
Product acquisition disorder?
No pic for this morning's shave, but it went really well.

-Feather SR folding shavette with a Kai blade; did two passes with this razor
-Chiseled Face Legacy titanium with an Astra SP for the vandyke area only
-Wickham's Club Cola
-Everready brush
-Pacific Shave Company caffeinated aftershave

I loaded less than I usually do and easily still had enough for the two passes and some to wash down the sink after the shave.

This restraint is teaching me things. In the past, I deliberately loaded way mlre than I needed because I wanted to get through a soap so I could buy a new one. Now I am taking the exact opposite approach and trying to see how good a lather I can make with, say, half or two-thirds what I used to load.

I'm finding that the shave quality isn't diminishing at all, and I am enjoying the products I have, which makes me wonder why did I try to waste product before in the chase for new product?

Viva la differenza.

This an excellent observation and is spot on. I'm experiencing the exact same thing.

I've been trying to achieve a single pass DFS this month as part of OBiF, which is going okish. Have a ways to go. But at first I was still loading the same way - enough for four passes :). I've been decreasing the amount of soap I use gradually, from 20 seconds of loading time, to 15, now to 10, and have been really surprised at how not an issue that's been. At all.

Of course, a single pass is pretty soap friendly and makes a reduction strategy a lot easier. I'll have to readjust when I go back to two passes I'm sure. But I'm less scared about loading "too little" than I was when I was first figuring out the whole lathering thing.
Just checking in so I do not get the boot from this group. I had a few items in an on line purchase basket recently, but I got myself together before I pulled the trigger. I do not need anything - this was just a compulsive buying symptom. I have so much stuff at home to use up - I can go shopping in my own shave den!

I am usually an O/C guy, but I have been trying out some neglected razors in my vast collection (about 130 razors). Last week I revisited my Merkur Progress, which I purchased about 15 years ago and only used once or twice (literally). I see that there are many Progress fans here on B&B, but I did not really understand what all the excitement was about when I first bought it and never learned how to calibrate the adjustment knob. I watched a couple of Tubey videos recently and learned that there are marks on the side where the endcaps would be located (if the Progress had endcaps, which it does not) they are there to line up the blade cap. I used the Progress with a Gillette Silver Blue blade at around level three after lathering up some Dr. Selbey croap and got some nice shaves. Then I decided to try out my Mergress shaver that I bought about 15 years ago but never used. Mergress is a Progress razor with the plastic end knob replaced by a metal knob made by a B&B brother named Merle (hence the name) which has colored dot markers on it, red, yellow and green, in addition to the numbers. I used it three times this week and so far so good. I started with the yellow dot marker and today I moved up to the green. I still kind of miss using an o/c razor, but I want to see whether, if I use the Mergress for say, a month straight, I can get used to it, figure out the angle and how to use it efficiently, without any mishaps.

I followed up today's shave with some Harris Arlington A/S Balm and Arlington A/S which I have had for a few years now. Still smells nice.
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For decades, I never understood running or why anyone would want to do it. Growing up a cyclist and cycling into my adult years, running seemed pointless and stupid.

All that changed when we got our last high enery, muscle, resuce dog. The dog park wasn't working out with distracted dog owners not paying attention to their dogs. I decided to give up cycling to work, so I could run after work with her. It was a slow process and one that took me a while to gain the stamina and desire to even want to do it. We do 5k trail runs in a forest on a daily or 5 day a week basis, summer, spring, fall and winter up to -15*C or so, then it's a 5k walk. I took up running at about 47 and have been doing this routine now for the past 3-4 years.

I still don't look forward to running or get excited about it after putting in a full work day, but after the first 1km or so, I get past the loathing mindset and quite enjoy it. I look down at her and see how much she loves it and I enjoy it even more. We both benefit from the runs. No phones, no people, no earphones, just out in the forest with the sound and views of nature.

I posted more about it here last year.

Still in.
I'm about the opposite of you. Started running when I was 38(?) after realizing I needed to get myself in better shape. Worked my way up to several 10k's a year with a smattering of some half marathons. Ran at least 30 miles a week and was in the gym off days...it was to the point of asinine where I was running with Yaktrax if the roads were iced over, running when it was -20F, just off the rails stupid just to stay in that routine.🤦‍♂️:facep:
Fast forward 5 years ago when I got the worst case of shin splints just out of the blue. I was a mile from the office thankfully so hobbled back and never ran any distance after that and still have not to this day. An occasional mile or two here or there but more than that and they act up just like clockwork... otherwise it's the arc trainer and normal gym stuff.
Still take the Golden Retriever for walks but the running days are gone, due to my own neglect. I do miss that runners high tho...there is nothing quite like it when you feel it coming on.


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@midwestshaver71 I haven't had too many setbacks or injuries yet. A few pulled calf muscles that took a couple weeks to recover. A light sprain from a twisted ankle that took a few months, that was my worst one. I do wear strap on spikes for winter, but it's because I only trail run and they get icy. I've never run on pavement, unless it's the 1/2 km to get from home to the trail.

We live beside endless forest trails that are dirt laid and often deer formed single track.. With a.50lb muscle breed dog strapped to my waist, I have to make sure she doesn't pull me over for too many spills when we come up on a deer or worse, a coyote. I carry a bear banger for those run ins and recently purchased some Coyote spray. I had to use the banger last year as the coyote was on the trail and he wasn't backing down when I was banging trees and blowing a whistle. We started back tracking slowly and he followed us. Probably saw my dog as a potential supper. Fired the banger off straight over my head and he went running the opposite way.

#14 in 2024 GRUYERE shave sebatical - still in

#29 GRUME February 2024 - still in

Date: 02.22.24

Days growth: 9

Head and face shave

Razor: Gillette Fatboy

Blade: Bic Chrome Platinum (4)

Brush: Simpsons T3

Pre-shave: Hot shower using Johnson and Johnson on face and head with facial scrubber

Lather: TOBS Lavender

Passes: 3 plus pickups WTG, XTG, ATG Settings 9,5,5

Post Shave Routine and products:

1 - Hot rinse with microfiber towel X2

2 - Cold rinse

3 - Alum block

4 - Cold rinse with microfiber towel X1

5 - Aftershave: Mentos Hero

6 - Balm: LEA 3 in 1

Notes: Had a great shave after 9 days which almost never happens. The Fatboy on setting 9 was very efficient and though there was blade feel it was not aggressive feeling at all. The Bic Chrome Platinum did a wonderful job on the fourth use. I bought a 16 pack sampler of TOBS and the flavor today was Lavender, I’m going to put the sampler in the rotation of about 13 soaps, croaps, and creams. I love the performance of the T3 and it’s hard to not favor it. This was a very comfortable and close shave. I’m very happy with the shave.

Quality: 9

Comfort: 10

Enjoyment: 10

Overall: 9.6
366 daily shaves

Mühle R41Gillette Bleue (4)Omega Lupo
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Barrister + Mann Leviathan
Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
(details here)
Quality / My process
9.75/10 (Significantly Consistent)9.0/10
(Minor redness)
EffectivenessComfort / Blade condition


Summary. Despite my musings yesterday I changed my razor as I felt more stubble than days before. I drew blood in one place, but overall a slightly better shave. Not by a lot compared to the R89. Interesting.

For extended shave notes click here.

Enjoy your shave!
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