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Woods of Windsor - Pure Bristle Brush

Item Description

I got this brush as a present from my dad when he learnt that I had started DE shaving (with the promise of his back-up Silvertip if I stuck with it :) ), it was a present to him IIRC, however research online shows a very good value price tag of around seven pounds and ninety five pence (7.95).

I have found this brush lathers well, hold lots of water, and for a good duration of time (it doesn't just dump a gallon as soon as it touches your soap), allowing a consistent lather, that lasts on the brush, without having to be refilled for every pass, as I had to with my drugstore Wilkinson. It has given me a good consistent lather with both soaps (L'Occitane and Wilkinsons) and with creams (Palmolive and Ingram). So far I've had minimal shedding (two strands, with about 3 weeks of use everyday).

It is just stiff enough to provide a decent feel, without feeling like a toothbrush being dragged across your face, although this hardness, seemingly prevents a 'wide' bloom when dry, and it retains much of it's factory shape. It only falls short of a perfect score for quality, because of a few hairs that have missed trimming, although these are easily remedied in a few seconds.

I have found that this brush has to be soaked thoroughly before use, to eliminate the tips hardness, but once you have it is a very nice and reliable tool, giving consistent results. I am impressed, for it's price I really don't think it can be beaten (at least in the UK).

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I got this brush as a present from my dad when he learnt that I had started DE shaving (with the promise of his back-up Silvertip if I stuck with it :) ), it was a present to him IIRC, however research online shows a very good value price tag of around seven pounds and ninety five pence (7.95).

I have found this brush lathers well, hold lots of water, and for a good duration of time (it doesn't just dump a gallon as soon as it touches your soap), allowing a consistent lather, that lasts on the brush, without having to be refilled for every pass, as I had to with my drugstore Wilkinson. It has given me a good consistent lather with both soaps (L'Occitane and Wilkinsons) and with creams (Palmolive and Ingram). So far I've had minimal shedding (two strands, with about 3 weeks of use everyday).

It is just stiff enough to provide a decent feel, without feeling like a toothbrush being dragged across your face, although this hardness, seemingly prevents a 'wide' bloom when dry, and it retains much of it's factory shape. It only falls short of a perfect score for quality, because of a few hairs that have missed trimming, although these are easily remedied in a few seconds.

I have found that this brush has to be soaked thoroughly before use, to eliminate the tips hardness, but once you have it is a very nice and reliable tool, giving consistent results. I am impressed, for it's price I really don't think it can be beaten (at least in the UK).
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
2.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)

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