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Veleiro Aftershave

Item Description

I bought this Spanish Veleiro from VintageScent.com and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with this product.

Price...I think it was a deal at around $14.00 for about 75ml.

Quality... At first when I splashed this on my face I thought it had a very mild scent. I thought that this would be a weakling among aftershave splashes. But as it soaked into the pores of my face, I felt an intense warming and then a cooling sensation and the scent became stronger.

Scent... Very pleasant scent starting off as citrus and finishing with a strong woodsy aroma.

Efficacy...I felt as though this product conditioned my face very well. At first it feels a little tacky on the skin and then as it dries, the skins feels very smooth.

Moisturizing...I have naturally oily skin and really don't require much moisturizing so I can't commit much more that to say that it felt moisturizing and refreshing.

No Alcohol Burn...I put N/A in this category because it is an aftershave with alcohol and is supposed to burn.

Latest reviews

I bought this Spanish Veleiro from VintageScent.com and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with this product.

Price...I think it was a deal at around $14.00 for about 75ml.

Quality... At first when I splashed this on my face I thought it had a very mild scent. I thought that this would be a weakling among aftershave splashes. But as it soaked into the pores of my face, I felt an intense warming and then a cooling sensation and the scent became stronger.

Scent... Very pleasant scent starting off as citrus and finishing with a strong woodsy aroma.

Efficacy...I felt as though this product conditioned my face very well. At first it feels a little tacky on the skin and then as it dries, the skins feels very smooth.

Moisturizing...I have naturally oily skin and really don't require much moisturizing so I can't commit much more that to say that it felt moisturizing and refreshing.

No Alcohol Burn...I put N/A in this category because it is an aftershave with alcohol and is supposed to burn.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
1.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
4.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
4.00 star(s)

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