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Truefitt and Hill Pre-shave Oil

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IMHO this is by far one of the greatest, if not the greatest shave oils out there. Granted I have only tried 3 other oils, but I think I could try another 20 and still make this my go to oil.

T&H pre-shave oil really helps any blade slide right across your face, helping negate any friction caused by a razor sliding down your skin. Compared to AOS oil (AKA Crisco brand shave oil), this stuff runs like water, but lubricates like industrial grease. Plus, the smell is absolutely amazing. If I didn't know any better, I would think I was rubbing lemonade into my face. Even if you don't care for oil, just stop by a Nordstroms or any other high-end store and give this stuff a wiff. Simply amazing.

PRICE: As with all T&H products, this stuff is expensive. But if your a fan of oils you will feel your money is well spent.

QUALITY: Highest quality I think I will ever find in an oil. Nothing cheap about this stuff. You get what you pay for.

PERFORMANCE: Have to try it to believe it. My razor just seems to glide across my face even more when this oil is applied and doesn't clog my blade at all (looking at you AOS :mad:). Plus, it washes right off my hands and leaves behind no unpleasant, grip reducing residue (Ahem, AOS).

USEFULNESS: Great if you have sensitive skin. I used to feel my blade drag across my skin. When I use my this oil my razor just glides across my face.

DURABILITY: Not sure how to apply this to a shave oil.

PACKAGING: The bottle looks neat, but it's made out of plastic which is a pro and a con. It's good because it obviously won't break if dropped. THe plastic is bad because I feel like my $30 purchase deserves a fancy glass bottle.

Latest reviews

Pros: Great moisture for beard
Cons: Pricey for small quantity
I became interested in wet shaving through a friend at church. As I looked into it I read allot how many avoid pre-shave prep. I watched a YouTube video where the guy used TH pre-shave oil and how he expounded how much he liked it. Researched it and seen nothing but good reviews so I ordered mine from amazon. I too love it. It has a citrus fragrance and really moistens your beard. I highly recommend this for the person willing to pay the price! Good stuff!
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Good pre-shave oil, but WAY overpriced. I like Musgo oil just as much, and it is much cheaper.
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This is a must have for my shaving routine. I can honestly say I have no idea how I shaved this long without a pre-shave oil especially this product. When combined with a well made lather my razor glides over my skin and doesnt nick of cut. My alum block is not getting the use it used to get since I started with the pre-shave oil.
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