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Sharps Kid Glove Shave Gel

Item Description

Sharps Kid Glove shave gel is a great product for those mornings when you don't have time or the desire to pull out the brush and cream. The menthol soothes and relaxes as the gel moistens the whiskers and the Aloe moisturizes the skin.

I have used this gel with both a cartridge (Mach 3) and DE (HD with Merkur Blades) and gotten great shave. The gel doesn't provide the same satisfaction as a good lather but it is great for rushed mornings, travel and just to change things up. I highly recommend it.

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I used this stuff for a while as a stand alone shave lube. But now I find it works amazingly well as a pre-shave that I rub in and let sit for about thirty seconds to a minute. Then I lather over it with a brush to get a great frothy and rich cream. Amazing scent and hands down great stuff.

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4.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)
I was lucky to get a sample of this as part of my smallflower.com raffle prize. When I say "lucky" I mean lucky that I never bought it. I too experienced the burning. I think maybe there is too much rosemary in it for me. According to the directions you're supposed to apply a thin layer, then wait 30 seconds. This was torture. I was expecting my face to turn red from the reaction but it didn't.

I also didn't get a good shave. Admittedly I'm not a fan of gels. It's kind of a pretty color before you put it on, and the smell is minty mentholy nice, so that's good. It is slick, maybe too slick as I felt like it didn't want to rinse off completely.
Agreed. The Sharp's is a good travel option and the gel format is pretty cool. Unfortunately for me I am one of the 40% or so of people for whom this stuff stings your face like the Devil. It is a good shave and the clear gel allows for good beard-edging work, but the whole stings like crazy thing kind of ruined the whole experience for me.

When I mentioned the stingy part to my retailer, a pretty knowledgable guy in this business, he said that about half the people he sold it to reported a fair amount of discomfort when using this. Ironically, like me, they all liked the efficacy of the stuff just didn't really dig the whole pain element.

This is one of those products where it pays off to get a sample beforehand and make sure you can handle the stuff before you buy.

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