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Sanguine razor

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After watching some videos of people straight shaving on Youtube I was itching to try it myself. I thouroughly enjoy a straight shave at the barber's using a shavette and was keen to try it myself. However, I could not see myself spending time/effort stropping and honing so a disposable blade was necessary.

The Feather AC is not readily available here in the UK so a search on ebay brought me to this razor by Sanguine (not a name I would choose for a razor!):


It was cheap and looked cool so I could not resist. They also did a version which used half a DE blade but I chose this one coz it seemed to resemble a straight razor more.

This morning I was excited about trying my razor. I lathered up with extra cream to make sure there was plenty of cushion for my first shave. My plan was to shave one pass WTG on my cheeks with the razor and then finish off with my Futur.

I stretched the skin as I have seen done on the videos and did short careful strokes with the blade almost parallel to the skin.

My first thought was that this blade is no where near as sharp as the Swedes/Feathers I use in my DE and there was lots of tugging/skipping. I tried harder to keep the angle parallel but this did not help much.

In the end I could not resist shaving my neck with it and I wish I hadn't! I found the long blade so much more difficult to maneuvre over the uneven terrain. I washed my face and examined it to find one nick over my left jawbone and many nicks on my neck. I also had the worst razor burn I have ever felt in my life!

My shave was very poor with plenty of stubble so I did one WTG pass with my Futur to make it more acceptable for work. I expect I will have to skip shaving tomorrow (sob ) to allow some healing and then do very light shaves with my DE for the rest of the week.

Even my first few DE shaves were not this bad and I never had nicks/burn.

I expect the poor shave was due to my total inexperience in straight shaving. But I also have suspicions that the blade is not quite as sharp as it needs to be. Has anyone used this razor & blade and found it to be acceptable?

Best Regards,

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What type of razor blades did you use in this sanguine razor I've seen a straight that thing you bought looks nothing like a real straight. If you have any tips for beginner to the straight razor world would be helpful.
I actually enjoy my sanguine shavette. I rated the price: 7. It should be cheaper, I think. This brings us to craftmanship which I gave a 5. Either the craftmanship should improve or the price go down. Nothing wrong with the way it's built, it is very sturdy, just not entirely worth $15.00. I rated easy to sharpen: 0 since you don't have to. Smoothness and easy to maintain get 10 since it shaves great. You have to watch the corners as the blade is long, just remember to keep the length of the blade in mind. The plastic blade holder acts as a good safety bar, just don't use an aggressive angle. All in all, a great and gentle shaver. Easy to load and maintanance free. Price could be slightly cheaper imo.
3.00 star(s)
Lasting Edge
4.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Easy to Sharpen
0.00 star(s)
Easy to Maintain
5.00 star(s)
Shaving Smoothness
5.00 star(s)
After watching some videos of people straight shaving on Youtube I was itching to try it myself. I thouroughly enjoy a straight shave at the barber's using a shavette and was keen to try it myself. However, I could not see myself spending time/effort stropping and honing so a disposable blade was necessary.

The Feather AC is not readily available here in the UK so a search on ebay brought me to this razor by Sanguine (not a name I would choose for a razor!):


It was cheap and looked cool so I could not resist. They also did a version which used half a DE blade but I chose this one coz it seemed to resemble a straight razor more.

This morning I was excited about trying my razor. I lathered up with extra cream to make sure there was plenty of cushion for my first shave. My plan was to shave one pass WTG on my cheeks with the razor and then finish off with my Futur.

I stretched the skin as I have seen done on the videos and did short careful strokes with the blade almost parallel to the skin.

My first thought was that this blade is no where near as sharp as the Swedes/Feathers I use in my DE and there was lots of tugging/skipping. I tried harder to keep the angle parallel but this did not help much.

In the end I could not resist shaving my neck with it and I wish I hadn't! I found the long blade so much more difficult to maneuvre over the uneven terrain. I washed my face and examined it to find one nick over my left jawbone and many nicks on my neck. I also had the worst razor burn I have ever felt in my life!

My shave was very poor with plenty of stubble so I did one WTG pass with my Futur to make it more acceptable for work. I expect I will have to skip shaving tomorrow (sob ) to allow some healing and then do very light shaves with my DE for the rest of the week.

Even my first few DE shaves were not this bad and I never had nicks/burn.

I expect the poor shave was due to my total inexperience in straight shaving. But I also have suspicions that the blade is not quite as sharp as it needs to be. Has anyone used this razor & blade and found it to be acceptable?

Best Regards,
5.00 star(s)
Lasting Edge
0.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Easy to Sharpen
5.00 star(s)
Easy to Maintain
5.00 star(s)
Shaving Smoothness
0.00 star(s)

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