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Saint Charles Shave Lime Splash

Item Description

Think Mediterranean Citrus, but in lime! This is a new aftershave splash from Sue which I was privileged enough to be allowed to be be a guinea pig for. The scent is a nice pure lime that sticks around. My nose also picks up a somewhat sweet, floral scent. Sue says it's pure lime, so I don't know where that is coming from.

The alcohol burn is nearly non-existent, and man does this stuff feel good on the face. Don't go nuts on it. Like Med Citrus, a little goes a long way. The price is, typical of Sue, far less than she could get if it were a big name. The quality and ingredients are first rate and this stuff WORKS. A great addition to any shave den if you are a limeaholic like me.

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The Mediterranean Citrus review is actually listed under the M's section and not the S's with the other SCS aftershaves.
In your first sentence you say "Think Mediterranean Citrus". Everyone talks about Mediterranean Citrus . . . Will someone please write up a review here about Mediterranean Citrus? It sounds like a lot of people use the stuff.
Think Mediterranean Citrus, but in lime! This is a new aftershave splash from Sue which I was privileged enough to be allowed to be be a guinea pig for. The scent is a nice pure lime that sticks around. My nose also picks up a somewhat sweet, floral scent. Sue says it's pure lime, so I don't know where that is coming from.

The alcohol burn is nearly non-existent, and man does this stuff feel good on the face. Don't go nuts on it. Like Med Citrus, a little goes a long way. The price is, typical of Sue, far less than she could get if it were a big name. The quality and ingredients are first rate and this stuff WORKS. A great addition to any shave den if you are a limeaholic like me.
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
3.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
4.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
5.00 star(s)

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