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Omega 6215 Silvertip

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***Disclaimer: This was my first brush. I only have one other brush-a Shavemaster s100 from Enchante***

Given my credits, understand that I'm only going off limited experience. I've been wetshaving for almost two months now.

This was my first brush and I have been very pleased with it. It costs about $65 and when I first saw that price I thought that was way too much. I soon learned that some brushes go for much more than that. Perhaps for a beginner that might seem to steep of a price, however, I think it's important to start out with a decent brush. A nice brush seriously adds to the quality and enjoyment of wet shaving. I'm a firm believer that if you're going to invest in something, you should do it right. This brush was suggested to me by Joel in his getting started tutorial.

Sorry for the delay, on with the review.

The brush comes nicely packaged in a box with a cutout on the inside for the brush.

I've tried it with soaps and creams and it works great with both in my opinion. It is very dense, much more dense that the Shavemaster I own. It's fluffy and holds gobs of lather. It feels wonderful on the face and has just enough scratch to scrub your beard. In my opinion it's a very nice looking brush. The handle IMO is a little small. I had to try a few different techniques to really get a nice grip on it, but in no way does that significantly reduce my opinion of the brush.

Overall, I love this brush, and don't see a reason to buy another one anytime soon.

Latest reviews

I like this brush for creams. It creates gobs of lather, even with some of the tougher customers. That said, this brush is rather big, and very soft, so is not so great with soaps. I suggest getting a different brush for soaps, if you want this one for creams (I got a Rooney 1/1).
4.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
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1.00 star(s)
Bought this razor for $65....that is a steal. Very nice presentation with the box from Omega. This was the 6th brush I have owned. I have used Boar Hair, Regular badger, best and super badger in the past. This was, and is my second favorite.

Brush is very large and extremely dense. I especially like to use this with soaps due to the brush stiffness.

The brush is also very soft, yet not the softest. Still feels great on my face. Softer, denser and stiffer than my Vulfix 2235. I prefer a lager brush and it, IMHO, is a better brush in density, softness and bristle firmness.

Not so Positives
Handle is a bit awkward. Not very ergonomic, especially for someone with larger hands, albeit, even though the brush is very large. Not nearly as comfortable in the hand as the vulfix.

The only other knock on this otherwise excellent value, is that I get some hair loss. Maybe one or two a week. This should have stopped some time ago, but has persisted and is kind of a nusance. Good brushes should not do that.

Even with the two issues though, I still love to use this brush, and would recommend it to anyone as a high quality brush at a great value.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
On the floppy side, my small 6214 creates gobs of lather... I used to curse Proraso shaving cream until I tried face lathering with this brush, and now I don't hate it, but I still can't make great lather in a bowl using this brush and Proraso cream. Brush scratches face ever-so-gently, enough that you feel it is there, nowhere near enough to be irritating. Holding brush between tips of thumb and fingers gives great brush ergonomics, feel and control. Latherability is phenomenal, especially with a great soap (Tabac, Colonel Conk Almond). Can't imagine using the larger 6215, this is quite big enough. My biggest complaint: after 1+ month of constant use, this brush is *still* shedding at least 3-4 bristles per shave... I sure hope this slows down fast, because I do like this brush.

In hindsight, I wish I had tried a C&E or Tweezerman before I sprung the extra cash for this brush.
3.00 star(s)
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3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
2.00 star(s)

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