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Nancy Boy - Replenishing Facial Moisturizer

Item Description

Water exists in nature in liquid, vapor and frozen form. It now exists in a fourth, Nancy Boy Replenishing Facial Moisturizer!

Price: $21 at the Nancy Boy website. Even at $21 for 2oz I am marking the score as a 9 because the product is well worth the money. I have had my container for two months and even after daily use I still don't think I have made any real dent in the amount. This jar should last me for at least a year if not more at this rate!

Quality: As with other NB products, a lot of time and effort have been put into this product before it was released. The end results of applying this to my face is that I feel neither weighted down by goo or taken for a ride by a product that lasts only an hour.

Latherability: Not a shaving cream and does not otherwise apply.

Moisturizing: This product is amazing in that I can put on a very small amount in the morning and my face still feels like I just put the cream on when I get home from work. This is not a wimpy one-hour splash of hydration on your face, this is a kayak-ride down a class-3 rapids dousing of moisture! Seriously though, in my experience with this product, the moisturizing factor just does not know when to quit. I have used it after a full session of QED Charle's green clay mask and it will have my face looking like normal again within 15 minutes.

Scent: A simple, but delightful cucumber scent that lingers under the nose for around 15 seconds after being applied. After that you are left to the devices of whatever scent you might be wearing upon your person.

Efficacy: This product moisturizes without leaving my face feeling greasy or heavy. I put it on and can forget about it, although I must admit to randomly touching my face throughout the day to feel the softness of my skin even after being in a dry office environment all day. This, combined with witch hazel also help to speed up razorburn repair if I have been aggressive during a shave.

Packaging: Simple NM white solid plastic tub with thick labels on the side and a logo sticker on the lid. This is not a flimsy container that wobbles.

A very little bit goes a long way. A dab on the tip of my index finger will cover my face and neck with just enough for the stuff to start working. I will probably use a little more during the winter but I don't see myself having to resort to any sort of backup cream.


Discussion Thread: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?p=71522#post71522

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I've bought a whole lot of products from Nancy Boy, and I love them all. This is the first one that has given me any sort of problem. Though I tried to fall in love with it, whenever I put it on it would tighten up my face and actually dry it out. I sent an email to them, asking about it, and Eric got right back to me within a couple of hours with a detailed, personalized response. He said that the lemon essential oil in the product can react poorly with some people's skin, and offered to have the cost of the moisturizer discounted from my next order with them. So they're pretty much awesome.
This stuff is the best facial moisturizer I have ever used.
It sinks in rather quickly. Most moisturizers either leave skin oily, or they don't moisturize enough. This finds the perfect balance. It always leaves my face feeling soft throughout the day but my skin never feels nor looks oily.

It's not cheap. But like most high quality products, a little goes a long way.

The only stuff I will use. Highly recommended.
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I will say this is my 2nd favorite moisturizer. 1st being CAR Hydrolast. The thing I like about this moisturizer is the smell. Oh how nice a fresh cucumber smells. I also like the consistency. The only downside is it's not as powerful as the CAR Hydrolast but it sure does come close and it is cheaper so the value is the same. SWMBO calls it greasy but for my dry skin I like it. I highly recommend this one as well.
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