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Kent BK4 "Silvertip"

Item Description









Ahhh…. The regal Kent BK4. When you think “British” and “shaving brush” – think Kent! This wonderful brush has the finest packaging I have ever seen on a shaving brush… regardless of price. You buy a painfully expensive Plisson HMW with a Horn handle and you get a pathetic looking flimsy/cheap box… you buy a Kent, and you feel like you are receiving a product made for a king! Ok, ok – enough about the packaging – so how does the brush perform? Quite well actually, and although I don’t reach for it often, whenever I do, I am always surprised at the level of enjoyment this brush brings me, and I always think to myself “I should use this sucker more often!” Sure – it isn’t a super dense brush, and sure – some may call it “floppy” however I really enjoy the silky soft feel of this brush against ones face, and wouldn’t call it floppy, but more so a brush that easily and readily “splays” upon your face... Vulfix brushes to me are “floppy.” All in all, I am quite impressed with this brush, and feel it is both a superb soap brush, as well as cream brush – but tends to work best with shaving creams – the softer the better. In it’s price range, you’d be hard pressed to find a more luxurious brush – and I would buy another BK4 in a heartbeat, although I wouldn’t call it a “must have” shaving brush. Overall, a fine entry!

Bristle – Very flexible shafts with incredibly soft tips. Packed decently, although not nearly as tightly packed as its bigger brother the BK12. This brush has an “honest” feeling against ones face, it isn’t going to “wow” you, but it will provide you with gobs of lather.

Handle – The BK series of handles is in my opinion, the most gorgeous shape on the market. It is comfortable, gorgeous and classy. Plane? Yes… but a brilliant “plain” :biggrin:

Quality – Hands down superb. No bristle loss after the initial use, and is built exceptionally well. One of the highest “quality” brushes I own.

Overall – Really a superb shaving brush – best suited for gentlemen wanting to buy their first “top quality’ shaving brush around the century mark.

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Pros: soft on the skin and a lather monster in double quick time.
Cons: none
Absolutely the best brush I've had so far.
Knot could be denser but it works wonderfully well all the same.
I put ten on the stiffness of tips so as not to mark the brush down as stiffness there seems like a negative to me and there is no negatives really to this brush.

Go get one if you like soft brushes.
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Pros: great lather, holds water, soft
Cons: very floppy,
Going from an Omega 80005 to this Kent bk4 and WOW what a difference in lather amount and quality (same routine) using creams. It is a very soft on the face brush and although I though the handle would be hard to use (I thought I would have trouble with the pinch grip end) it actually fits well and is very sturdy to hold, even when wet. No hairs falling out yet, but I've only used it once. As for size, it fits my face pretty well, even when splayed out.

Gripes: it is a very floppy brush, it's like a hamsters hair, when wet, it sags, but after a shake or too to dry off, it puffs back. If you are looking for your brush to give you a bit of a face scrub, look else where as the tips are cotton soft. And although the packaging/box is nice... it adds to the cost of the product, and once I take my brush out of the box, the box goes to the side anyways. On the subject of cost.... I know looking at the world of brushes $80 isn't extreme.... but step back for a sec... $80 for a small brush? It does it job well however and caresses my face.

Verdict: Its performance, handle and feel out weigh any cost concerns. A buy in my books.
3.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
1.00 star(s)
I use the BK4 daily. I was going to recommend it to someone but I don't know where I bought it on line. I do know it was a great deal. I thought it was from the Bayside Brush Co but the have it for $180 and Amazon has it for $92. I could do without the fancy box. I hate throwing it out but it just takes up room.
2.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
3.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
3.00 star(s)

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0.68 star(s) 19 ratings

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