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Gillette Fat Boy

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Price: Since these wonders are no longer available new, one must resort to on-line auction, antique store, flea market, or estate sale to locate one. I was fortunate enough to win this razor on ebay for under $30 with shipping included. The good deals are out there, you just have to be patient.

Quality: This razor was made to last. I am, at least, the second owner of this tool, and other than some minor wear marks, it is still in remarkable condition.

User Friendly: The only non-friendly aspect of this razor, is the fact that the blade exposure is mildly different on the two sides. I realize that this is not uncommon amongst adjustables, but I still refuse to accept that it is necessary.

Grip: Like its cousin the Merkur HD, this razor has a textured pommel and handle. This makes handling easy in all phases of the shave.

Ease of Blade Replacement: The "Butterfly Door" is the mother of blade replacement options. It is both safe and simple and it adds that little touch of hi-tech that can get a man all steamy in the boxers.

Aggressiveness: This is my one true gripe about this razor. When blade exposure is high enough to get a bbs shave, the laceration potential is at an unacceptable high.

Adjustability: Simple and safe. Gillette reached the pinnacle of their creative prowess (not to be confused with BS prowess) when they designed this razor.

Balance: The balance of this razor is very nice. The "Butterfly" head adds a little too much weight up top or the balance would be flawless.

Overall Quality: This is a good razor that was built to last. There are a few blemishes in overall performance of this razor that prevent it from being my favorite, however, I still like to use it on occasion. It provides a quality shave. I would recommend this razor to anyone who wishes to sample a little piece of the past and is willing to give up a small amount of performance in order to do so. Best of all, when not in use, this razor looks beautiful in the collection.

Latest reviews

Pros: Excellent build quality and ergonomics
Cons: Rounded head
The fatboy is a great feeling razor with excellent weight and balance. Although the Slim Adjustable gives a slightly better shave around the nostrils, the feel of a Fatboy cannot be duplicated. There is a feel of perfection with this razor. The weight and length is exactly what a safety razor should feel like. Although the razor doesn't deliver in the shave precision, there is a definite quality shave that is experienced when using this razor. I have yet to find a razor of any brand that has the weight and balance this razor possesses.
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
User Friendly
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5.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
5.00 star(s)
Pros: weight, adjustability
Cons: short handle
Another quality Gillette product. I really enjoyed the weight of the razor. My problems are as follows: I have very large hands and I think the Slim and Superspeed fit my hands better than the Fat Boy, like the Slim, it doesn't adjust with the razor doors closed (or at least like my slim, perhaps others do) I really like my Super's ability to adjust easily in the shower, and maybe it was just me, but the adjustments are not quite the same as the Slim and Super as the 7 on the latter two shave me just fine, but the 7 on the Fat Boy was not quite as close. Perhaps it's technique that will be corrected on future shaves. Still, a fantastic razor.
3.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
User Friendly
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
4.00 star(s)
Pros: Adjustable, TTO, apparently not to difficult to restore.
Cons: Becoming popular so hard to find cheap, cannot find knew, and metal bends easily in and out of shape
My favorite razor as of this morning. I have spent weeks looking for a Gillette Fat Boy because i believed I needed to try a more aggressive razor. I could not find it on ebay for less than $50, despite the fact that throughout B&B forums it is commonly spoken of as costing $30. Then during lunch yesterday at an antique shop I spotted one. Terrible condition, adjuster was stuck, dirt and crud all in the head and razor blade space was uneven side to side. I brought it home fixed it up with some scrubbing bubbles and hot soapy water and adjuster started working right away. A towel and a wrench fixed the uneven shutter door as well. Now the only thing wrong with it is some guy thought it would be good to put his initials in it "D.A.J." (if your out there, thank you). Back to quality of shave:
-Price for me since it was in bad condition was outstanding at $8, but normally the price is getting very high.
-Quality is a little rough for an old razor, especially the one I found, but it was not too difficult to fix up. Quality of shave is excellent on a 3 for me.
-User friendly, TTO enough said.
-Grip is a great knurling that I will never drop because of slippage
-Ease of blade replacement... TTO
-Aggressiveness was perfect for me on a 3, going to try a 4 tomorrow, however it is adjustable so it can get more aggressive if I need it to and could get milder as well.
-Adjustability is great, now that I got the adjust moving(hot water, soap, and a little help from a towel to not damage the razor and two pliers to get it going)
-Balance is fantastic, I think this had a lot to do with my great shave this morning and cant wait for the next.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
User Friendly
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
5.00 star(s)

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0.49 star(s) 39 ratings

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