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I made a trip to Lakemba in Sydney which is famous for it's Arab diaspora grocery stores and cafes with the sole intention of finding new creams to use in my rotation. I paid $3.50 AUD for a 65 gramme tube. The tube is metal (which I like) and the overall aesthetic dated but still attractive as you don't find many consumer good packaged in various shades of brown these days.

The cream itself is pale blue in colour and has a light scent which is barely discernable once lathered. I used an Omega boar brush and the lather achieved was very substantial with little effort. For the shave I used a Orak Turkish made Safety razor with a Derby blade. I have always experienced difficulties shaving due to having extremely sensitive skin prone to irritation and a very thick beard. The cream worked remarkably well for me and I was very impressed with the quality of the shave. The only downside of this cream for me is the relatively weak scent. I am a big fan of strong smelling creams and soaps and if you share my passion you might find this cream a let down in the scent department. I will continue to use this cream for it's lathering abilities and lack of razor burn.

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I think this cream is awesome for the price. Its the same class as Proraso and Palmolive.

The scent it okey a bit too strong for me. But its a personal thing. It lathers up pretty quickly and gives a good lather. The effiacy is good but I would like if it was a bit better.

You need to add a bit more cream when lathering up but its price thing and its definitely worth it.

Overall I would give this cream 7/10 :thumbup:
5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
I made a trip to Lakemba in Sydney which is famous for it's Arab diaspora grocery stores and cafes with the sole intention of finding new creams to use in my rotation. I paid $3.50 AUD for a 65 gramme tube. The tube is metal (which I like) and the overall aesthetic dated but still attractive as you don't find many consumer good packaged in various shades of brown these days.

The cream itself is pale blue in colour and has a light scent which is barely discernable once lathered. I used an Omega boar brush and the lather achieved was very substantial with little effort. For the shave I used a Orak Turkish made Safety razor with a Derby blade. I have always experienced difficulties shaving due to having extremely sensitive skin prone to irritation and a very thick beard. The cream worked remarkably well for me and I was very impressed with the quality of the shave. The only downside of this cream for me is the relatively weak scent. I am a big fan of strong smelling creams and soaps and if you share my passion you might find this cream a let down in the scent department. I will continue to use this cream for it's lathering abilities and lack of razor burn.
3.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)

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