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Flying Eagle Brand

Item Description

I found this razor at an online auction, thought it looked neat and decided to take a chance with it.



My impressions:

I got it for D.Kr. 74.50 (approx. $ 12.50). Not a bargain, but still a nice price

This is not what I would call a high quality razor. The fit is excellent - but the plating, especially on the sides of the top plate could have been much nicer. I still can't decide whether the yellow plactic handle looks cool or tacky. The box the razor comes in is simple but nice

User Friendly
I find this razor to be highly user friendly. Balance is excellent, grip is nice, blade change is easy and it's level of agressiveness easily provides a comfortable and smooth shave

Maybe not the prettiest and most exclusive grip out there, but it feels nice and is highly grippable

Ease of Blade Replacement
I like the three-peice design, in this particular razor blade allignment is perfect, no fiddeling around is required

A tad more agressive than a Gillette tech, I like that

Of all my razors this one has the best balance; the heavy head and light handle just works for me

This is a surprisingly nice and well performing razor - at the price point I recommend everyone to pick it up if you ever find one. I am planning to use it as my main travel razor. I believe it will fit that role perfectly.



Latest reviews

Pros: Easy to assemble, close shave and expendable!
Cons: Cheap, plastic handle. Very easy to break.
This product can be found in most Chinatowns in North America for about $3.00 USD. In China itself, it costs less than $1.00. I was on a weekend trip to Toronto once and forgot my regular Merkur DE at home. After a nice dinner in Toronto's Chinatown, I stopped at a grocer and was about to buy a packet of disposables, when I saw this item in a small cardboard box. It looked cheap and gimmicky (it was) and was sold with a small rectangular mirror. Since I had my Wilkinson Sword blades already, I thought "what the hell" and bought it. The next morning, I opened it up and quickly appraised it. It was a three piece job, very light, poorly cast metal head and had a hollow blue plastic handle. I set the blade and noticed the blade edge did not align perfectly parallel to the base plate. You might have to unscrew the handle and put pressure on the head while you do so. I brush lathered up with my Proraso Green and away I went. WOW!!! What a close AND comfortable shave! No nicks and BBS after only two pieces. I'm south asian and have a very thick beard that grows in so many different directions. I couldn't believe it! It is certainly food for thought. "YES," its not at all sophisticated or sturdy looking/feeling. We men spend hundreds of dollars on modern DE razors to feel like we are part of a retro resurgent trend. We feel we are part of an exclusive and cool club of men who are smug and secure in the knowledge we KNOW how to shave ourselves well. Talk about paradigm shift. I decided this will be my travel razor from now on. WARNING: If you buy this on EBay, you WILL be hosed. I've seen these sold online for about $25.00 plus shipping. What a crock! Go to your local Chinatown and look around. For 1 Euro, 1 Pound or about $3.00, how can you possibly go wrong? Epilogue: The very next day, I dropped the fully assembled razor on my ceramic tiled bathroom floor. The handle snapped off like a matchstick with the die cast screw in the thread! Instantly useless and into the trash bin it went. It was fun though :)
4.00 star(s)
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User Friendly
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4.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
4.00 star(s)
Pros: small, nice tin case for travel, super cheap, almost impossible to cut yourself
Cons: cheap plating
bought this as my first razor to try out and see if i actually wanted to make the switch to DE razors rather than my electric. WOW. i did my first shave, slowly, no cuts and was blown away at how soft my face felt. i can now speed through my shave with no effort. i tried a new razor and realized how incredibly gentle this thing is. no aggressiveness at all but still a nice shave. i have fairly sensitive skin and never have any razor burn or anything. it feels good in your hand, a bit light, but i dont mind it. as i build a collection of razors, this will be moving right into my travel shaving kit. its great and will make a great travel razor in that tin case.
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User Friendly
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Ease of Blade Replacement
4.00 star(s)
I just can not say something bad about that razor.
It's a light razor but very well balanced and everything is spot on on those razor.
I had bad experiences whit Merkur razors on the fabrication(like one side there's much blade exposure than the other) but that one is all spot on.
It gives a very close shave without the irritation, very difficult to cut yourself whit that.
A plus is the handle of those razor witch i find beautiful, there's red, butterscotch, green(i have a green), blue, and i even encounter a pink one.
I would have like it to be a slight more aggressive but except that i give a 9/10.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
User Friendly
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Ease of Blade Replacement
5.00 star(s)

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1.29 star(s) 7 ratings

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