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Crabtree & Evelyn Naturals - Solutions for Men Post Shave Relief

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Odorless, thick and creamy. Very refreshing. Goes on nicely and made my skin extremely soft, and well hydrated. May not be worth the steap $32.00 price tag for most, but im gonna be sticking with it for a while, and have already got a second tube. :biggrin:

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Thje only thing wrong with this product is the price. $32.00 for a tube, you gotta be kidding me. I got it for half off and that was too much. But when you really have a rough shave reach for this, thank God I don't have too many rough shaves!
2.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
4.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
3.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
4.00 star(s)
During the most recent Crabtree & Evelyn sale, I was able to grab a tube of this aftershave for $8.00. While I consider the regular price outrageous ($32.00), I thought this was a bargain. I have been using this product for about a week and feel it is average at best. The product is definitely high quality from the variety of natural ingredients typical of the Crabtree & Evelyn name (no alcohol either). I applied about a dime sized amount to my face (after an application of witch hazel had dried) and was surprised by the near odorless smell. The aroma that did linger reminded me of a clean baby. There was a very mild tingling sensation and I did feel as if my face was being very moisturized. One drawback was that this product did not respond to an area of razor burn as well as I would have liked meaning that after a 16 hour day, (before I went to bed) I was still noticeably red and still somewhat abraded in a spot on my neck. A second is that this product creates sort of a film when applied; I don't know if this is weather related or my skin isn't absorbing all of the product but I noticed that if I rubbed my face during the day that some of the product would come off. YMMV.
FREESHIP is working again.

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