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Corn Husker's Lotion

Item Description

Corn Husker’s Lotion (CHL) has been a standard on American drugstore shelves for decades. You can go down to your local drugstore today and pick up a 7 oz bottle for under $4. The label says it is a “Heavy Duty Hand Treatment,” and indeed it is, as vouched for by generations of hardworking outdoors people. However, it is also an effective aftershave balm.

I use this after I shave and splash with witch hazel. I put just a tiny dab of CHL on my finger, dab it to each cheek and my neck, and then rub it in. If my face feels tacky afterward I used too much. It only takes the smallest dab. I also use Proraso and T&H West Indian Limes aftershave balms sometimes. I think CHL compares favorably in effectiveness to either of these more expensive products.

The ingredients list on the label says: Water, glycerin, SD alcohol 40, sodium calcium alginate, oleyl sarcosine, methylparaben, guar gum, triethanolamine, calcium sulfate, fragrance, calcium chloride, fumaric acid, and boric acid. Note there is no oil in the formula, a fact proudly proclaimed on the front of the label.

CHL is lightly fragranced. I have the bottle in front of me as I type, and a bottle of Proraso. Although these products smell different they are both lightly fragranced and the smell of either dissipates quickly after a light application to my face. Neither interferes with my colognes. The smell of the Proraso is more pronounced, so that should give the Proraso users an idea of the strength of the fragrance in the CHL. One potential drawback of the fragrance is previous associations. Since this product has been around and in use for many years, some associate the fragrance used in CHL with “old people.”

I’ve got enough grey hairs myself so as not to be bothered by that association. :biggrin:

A discussion thread for this review is posted here. If you don't want to rate the product please post in the discusion thread so as not to skew the review scores.

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Crag;157242 said:
My dad makes a sort of AS Milk with this stuff...I used to think he was crazy...me with my Drakkar Balm and him with this stuff...actually his formula works WAY better than mine. He adds 1/2oz lavender lotion to a 3oz shaker bottle and adds the rest of the Cornhuskers, and just shakes it up...It makes you smell great, but isn't overpowering...

I started using CHL after my shave at night and then Neutrogena Men Razor Defense Post Shave Lotion in the morning. I didn't mind the slight lemony scent and like others have said the smell dissapates soon after you put it on.

After reading this tip I mixed CHL with some Pinaud classic vanilla AS and I love it. I get all the pro's of CHL along with the subtle hint of vanilla.

However, I'm wondering if anyone else had their concoction turn a little lumpy?
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
4.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
1.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
5.00 star(s)
Corn Huskers Lotion is a great multi-use product. I originally purchased it as a moisturizer for dry hands and it does a great job. But, as with others, I find that it does not last as long as other moisturizers. You don't need very much of this stuff for application.

The smell...is ok, but not ideal. Smells kind of like baby powder. Not my ideal smell. The smell does not last very long though.

As time has gone on, I've started using it for other things like aftershave. A little bit after a splash of Witch Hazel does the trick. I've also heard you can use it as a pre-shave...haven't tried it yet, but I think I might.
5.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
4.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
3.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
4.00 star(s)
I grew up with this stuff for hands, knees and elbows. I have even used it as a face protector when hunting in the cold and wind. But never for shaving. Thanks I will have to add it my rotation :smile:
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
5.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
2.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
5.00 star(s)

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