Items by LinuxMintyFresh

I bought this little guy from Joe over at It is the only place I know that carries it, and I'm not even sure what part of the world it comes from, but I suspect Brazil. Ingredients: Price: 90ml for $8 plus shipping is not the best deal in town, but is also not breaking the bank for most of us, and is probably worth the money. Quality: The item comes in a glass bottle, which is a real plus. The label was peeling, but things like that don't really bother me. As...
2.20 star(s) 5 ratings
LEA is a brand out of Spain, and distributed in the United States solely by their official vendor The quality and price of this product make it a wonderful secret that should soon become common knowledge. Ingredients: Price: This item is only available through one vendor in the US to my knowledge, Shave A Buck. The site is primarily dedicated to inexpensive products, which Lea products are at about $5 each. Even after shipping costs, this product easily competes with...
1.64 star(s) 11 ratings
Let me just go down the list. Price: these puppies weren't cheap, so I had to knock some points off. Found them for $1.99 a box (of 5), from a seller that I like and whose prices aren't at all steep. That price puts them about 10% more expensive than the Gillette Permasharps, but in reality it is only 20 cents so I'm not hurting. If you're used to Personna prices then these are going to be a step up on cost, but I think their price-point is likely the result of how difficult they are to...
The shaves I get from Saint Charles Shave soaps are some of the best of my wet-shaving career. I'll just go down the list.... Price: at $6 you can't get much better for a puck of soap. At least not soap of this quality. Quality: Fantastic. Sue and the SCS folks know what they are doing. Incredibly slick lather, with a great thick feel to it. Scent: this is really the thing that sets the soap apart. The name sounds terrible to me. When I hear "bleached wood" I think "Clorox and lumber,"...
My first brush. I was really excited to get this brush, after all the photo is a beaut. I received it not long ago from Best Grooming Tools and have put it through a few test runs and want to give an honest review. Now, being that it is my first, my ratings are just a reflection of my impressions, as opposed to comparisons to other products. Firstly, the brush is not quite as pretty as the picture. The "ivory" is clearly a cheap plastic of some kind, though that was to be expected. The...
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