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Rapira Swedish Supersteel

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Let me just go down the list.
Price: these puppies weren't cheap, so I had to knock some points off. Found them for $1.99 a box (of 5), from a seller that I like and whose prices aren't at all steep. That price puts them about 10% more expensive than the Gillette Permasharps, but in reality it is only 20 cents so I'm not hurting. If you're used to Personna prices then these are going to be a step up on cost, but I think their price-point is likely the result of how difficult they are to find.
Quality: Overall, these seem well made, and they boast Swedish steel. They are much more stiff, and I would guess thicker, than other blades I've used. Grabbing the side and squeezing doesn't show as much flex as other brands. The blades did have some stains on them when I got them, but I assume it's just from the manufacture process, as sometimes I'll get stains or markings on other brands too.
Sharpness: This one was hard to gauge for me. I went with an 9, because I felt that they were quick to cut the hairs, but not as smooth as other blades. Pretty sharp and unforgiving. I felt like they were maybe in line with Sharks, but the thick blades made them feel different. They also have a break in period. My second shave was always better than the first, I don't know why.
Longevity: I'll credit this to those darned Swedes. I have a habit of tossing blades after no more than 3 uses, but I felt like I could have easily used these for more than that.
Smoothness: Shaving with these blades did not feel overly smooth. I'm not sure what it was. No tugging, or pulling, and my rough spots were taken care of easily. The results were always very nice, but the process was less so. My AS let me know. In experienced hands, these would provide fantastic shaves, but I like a more forgiving blade.
Packaging: Nice cardboard box. Double wrapped.

Overall, I like these blades, but the combination cost, smoothness, and the fact that these blades are so unforgiving makes me lean away from them. As I said before, I think that those experienced people who brave the treachery of Feathers and come out unscathed would do well with these, but I'm slightly more haphazard and enjoy the leniency of other blades.

Latest reviews

Pros: Good daily shaving blade
Cons: Price
I have repurchased these blades multiple times now as they are very consistent. They shave very smoothly and give clean BBS results three days in. Not sure if it is because of the thickness of the blades, but these hold their sharpness about 4 days. And I have a thick beard. Not as sharp as a Feather, but last a bit longer and have less troubles with weepers. Highly recommended.
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
5.00 star(s)
Pros: Smooth and Sharp
Cons: A little hard to obtain
Very good all around blade. Works well for me with any razor I've tried. Sharper than expected from some prior reviews. Certainly not as sharp as Feathers, but sharp enough to perform well. Very little irritation. Overall, better than Astra SP as a general all purpose but not quite as good a performer as Perma Sharp which I find to be the overall best blade currently available. Then again, its not quite as costly either.
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
Thankfully I didn't pay for these blades. They were given to me to sample. The blades were disappointing to shave with. I felt more scrapping than usual and there was more stubble on my face than usual after the first pass. May be the worst blade I have used.
2.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
2.00 star(s)

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1.64 star(s) 11 ratings

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