I'm going to preface this review by saying I find all shaving creams and soaps to be pretty much identical so far as quality is concerned, but I choose to use brush and soap because I don't like getting my hands dirty and the soaps I use smell fantastic and last forever.
That said, I'm going to review this canned cream, which I used today with a BIC-loaded Merkur L-H, in the context of canned shave creams, keeping my head objective.
The bottom line is the product works, and works...
I've often been warned, even by the SAs at the line's very store, that C&E soaps are not the finest.
Nevertheless, about a week or so ago, my girlfriend and I were at the mall and, per usual, stopped by C&E. Someone was inquiring about the soap as we walked in, drawing my attention to it.
It smelled fantastic.
My girlfriend pressed me to leave the store immediately, sensing I was intrigued and knowing the ramifications thereof (two-hundred bar soaps under our bed).
We left...
I often like to use BIC disposables, which perform admirably but blunt remarkably quickly.
At the dollar store the other day, I saw these plastic throwaways selling at the attractive price 1 bone for 10 razors, so I said what the hell and bought a pack.
Well, I must say these razors blow BICs out of the water. Their overall construction feels just as robust - which is to say not robust - but I like their feel and balance. Make no mistake - they are exceedingly light-weight, but they...
The grip I gave an 8, not because they're slippery when wet - they're not - but because the handle is a bit short for my liking. BIC puts out better-lengthed razors. Not a deal breaker by any means.
Aggressiveness I gave a zero because I feel these razors are as gentle as it gets. At the same time they last long and cut hairs beautifully.