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7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black)

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I recently received three of these blades to try via a PIF from ECOSSE. I've had six shaves so far with two blades and I feel I've got enough use to post an official review. This is my first review on the board, so here goes...

Let's start with the packaging since that is the first thing you notice when you use one of these blades. I received only three blades in an envelope so I can't comment on the box but if it is anything like the rest of the 7 O'clock line it is a small cardboard box that contains 5 blades with no area to dispose of used blades. The blades are double wrapped in paper and a thin wax paper. I rated it an 8 because I was pleased to see much less glue on the blades compared to the Russian version (Sharp Edge in the yellow packs). There was still some minimal glue which can gunk up your razor but nowhere near the large globs to be found on the yellows.

Blade quality seems high and the blade is very sharp. I get BBS smooth results with this blade but any mishaps in technique and you may end up with a weeper or two. Longevity is good but drops off a little sooner than the Sharp Edge and Polsilver blades I usually use. I got 4 smooth shaves with the first blade but was disappointed with the closeness on the 5th shave. The 5th shave was smooth and comfortable but it was simply not as close as the previous days.

Now a little discussion of smoothness. I struggled with this rating because the blade is very smooth and sharp *after* it breaks in. The problem is that the break-in period takes at least one to two *passes* on the first shave. During that time the blade pulls ever so slightly and you think you are wrecking your face. The first pass with this blade is scary and uncomfortable. It is not my technique or my lather. Both of the blades I tried behaved the same way. The first shave with this blade is rather uncomfortable and the next three are great. Is it worth it to put up with one bad shave? Some people believe the first and last shave with a blade are bad. But I disagree mainly because I have found blades that break-in during the first two strokes of the first pass and last for 5+ shaves. I've popped other blades into my razor that were super smooth and sharp from the first stroke. So I don't think it is worth having one harrowing, mildly painful shave just to say you use these blades.

Finally the question of price. I received these as a PIF but based on prices I've seen for these blades I do not think they are worth it. My rating is based on the price-to-value ratio. The Russian Sharp Edge (yellows) are better, easier to find, and can be had for a better price. So why dish out more for a blade that isn't as good IMO?

As with all things reviewed on this website, YMMV.

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Pros: very smooth sharp razor
Cons: price
first shave very smooth but only lasted about 4 shaves on average before starting to pull. I really like to get at least 6 to 7 shaves out of a blade. I would buy again but not a quantity buy. i like the yellows much better.
2.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
5.00 star(s)
Pros: Sharp
Cons: rough, price
I found this blade to be very sharp... but not very smooth. I read other's reviews that say they take 2 - 3 shaves to smooth out. IMHO, I don't want two or 3 bad shaves from every blade.

Definitely good quality, but not a great performer for me.
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
2.00 star(s)
This blade isn't as good for me as for others. The blade seemed about even in sharpness to many others, but was not very smooth at all. It tore my face up.
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
2.00 star(s)

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0.81 star(s) 16 ratings

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