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What kind of beer do you like

I was just curious as to why you kind of beer you gents liked. Personally, I'm a fan of Czechvar, Red Stripe, Guinness, Bass, and Newcastle Ale. Just kind of curious.

For the past year or so, I have mostly drank Yuengling Traditional Lager, plus quite a bit of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I also love Bass Ale, Sam Adams lager, Pilsner Urqell, things like that. I can enjoy Budweiser on a hot summer day.

I don't like the tasteless beers that seem to be so popular, such as Corona and Coors.

I'm a very light drinker these days. When I do want a beer, I prefer ales first, but also enjoy some of the lagers, stouts, and porters.
There's very little beer I don't like. My first favorite (still my dinner beer favorite) for which my handle half-refers is Newcastle Brown -- my drinkin' beer is now Stella Artois. If I have to go cheap, I go Molson Canadian. If I go micro, anything from Bell's, Stone, Dogfish Head, Victory, or Anchor Steam suits me just fine. There's also a French beer called Yeti (Cimes) that I can't get enough of, but can never find.
Next time I make it to Charleston I want to try some of the offerings from the Palmetto Brewing Company. I have heard fairly good things about their stuff, but haven't tried it yet.
As a good Belgian (we have +- 500 sort of beers:eek2: :a54:) I love la Rulles http://www.biere2005.be/langue/fr/biere/histoire.htm, Orval and Rochefort Beer!
Well (most of you won't know them as they are mainly Slovak / Czech beers): Zlata Perla (Golden Pearl - brewed in my own home city!), Zlaty Bazant, Smadny Mnich (Thirsty Monk), Kozel (Goat), Pilsner Urquell, Guiness, Stella Artois and Heineken. Of course there are lots of other beers I like but these are the best ones :smile:

EDIT: oh my! Almost forgot: Krusovice
Belgian beer is to die for. (Except Stella Artois which we call wife-beater over here because you get violent after a few bottles of the stuff.)
As to the Budweiser ... I think there was some kind of issue with US / CZ Budweiser. To be honest I don't like US Budwar a bit! The Czech tradition can simply not be beaten :tongue_sm
Belgian beer is to die for. (Except Stella Artois which we call wife-beater over here because you get violent after a few bottles of the stuff.)

Hmm well you should go to Slovakia to improve your alcohol resistance :smile: An average Slovak drinks up to 6 pints / evening with NO ( i mean NO) effect on him. I usually take 5 till it starts to show :blush:
It's an effect specific to Stella. Many of the alcohol related injuries presenting to hospital A&E (Casualty/ER) departments follow the consumption of Stella, not other beers. It makes people violent. Belgian beers make them sleepy and all loved up. British beer also slows you down, and makes you an opinionated bigot maybe.

Stella artois = wife beater.
It's an effect specific to Stella. Many of the alcohol related injuries presenting to hospital A&E (Casualty/ER) departments follow the consumption of Stella, not other beers. It makes people violent. Belgian beers make them sleepy and all loved up. British beer also slows you down, and makes you an opinionated bigot maybe.

Stella artois = wife beater.

Hmm that is interesting. I also noticed that different beers have different effects (sleepiness / violence / 'chill out effetc' etc...). I remember when my friend asked my whether he should buy 'strong' beer or 'light' beer. These terms were not known to me before I went to UK. He told me that Stella is 'strong beer' and I could not think of any reason why it should be. When we drink Stella in Slovakia thou no problems occur. I think it also depends on the type of the person consuming that particular beer.
But Stella is neither strong in flavour nor alcohol content.

Stella in the UK is brewed in the UK, it will be a different beer to Stella in Slovakia, that is probably brewed in the Czech republic. Stella is a brand of InBev, who are the world's largest brewer of beer. They produce 20 Gigalitres of beer a year (40,000,000,000 pints to my yankee cousins.) Check out their wikipedia entry


It might have been a great beer once, but now it is just a good money making brand. InBev have also closed down the Strangeway's brewery, which I used to drive past when I lived in Manchester, so Boddington's is now a Welsh beer. They'll destroy Leffe too, I'm sure. Bass is the holder of Britain's first trademark (a red triangle), they'll abuse that one day too. Beck's is slowly changing into a mass market brand too. Hoegaarden is brewed somewhere else now. Artois Bock is becoming more mass market...

Life can be sad, great beers reduced to a money making exercise for greedy mega-corp type people.
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