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August 2023 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Month End (GRUME)

Still in.
The irritation pre-shave is still there, but is definitely not related to any products. How's this for annoying, it's my water. Our water here is pretty hard, apparently steaming hot in the shower, no big deal, out of the sink at normal temps, not so good. Or maybe I just couldn't see it in the little mirror in the shower with poor lighting. That seems more likely since normally hot would just make it more of an issue.

Anyway, for today's shave we featured the ever wonderful Gillette 40's style Super Speed and the delightfully sharp but economically priced Treet Platinum. There was no pre-shave product. Some cool water splashed on my face for a bit before starting my lather was the only prep.
The silky smooth and fluffy lather was provided by DR Harris Sandalwood cream and the soft but scrubby Simpson Trafalgar 2. The Bed Bath and Beyond ceramic bowl mostly contained the explosion of white delight.
I took particular care to not use a steeper angle than necessary and as little pressure as possible without the razor not being in contact with my face. The Treet is a fairly aggressive blade but did a stupendous job of giving me a gentle DFS shave in three standard passes and the usual cleanup spots. It's amazing how much less blade feel I get when I go for a shallower angle than I seem to default to and really work to control the pressure. I know, just let the razor do the work. That's a nice theory but obviously doesn't work in all positions and I tend to have a bit firmer a hand than I should in a few of them. I'm getting better though.

Post shave duties were performed by an alum stick, rinsed off and then followed by Barrister & Mann's exquisite Waves splash.

Despite the irritation issue right from the start, zero nicks, weepers or other issues. To be honest, the alum was more to reduce potential burn from the aftershave.

No fresh image today.

Most likely I'll be back on my plan for testing blades tomorrow. I may just skip straight to distilled water to see how well that handles things and work backwards from there. But I'm glad to know that it wasn't the pre-shave or soaps. If doing my pre-shave routine with distilled water or just not our tap water does the trick, I'm good with that.
You might want to try cold water too (rather than distilled) and see if that makes a difference.

This was as cold as I can get here in Texas in the summer. I just turned on the cold tap... Unfortunately, that's basically room temp and actually starts out warm because the pipe runs along an outside wall. Annoying but such is life. lol, maybe I'll do my prep at the kitchen sink. That has cooler water because much more of the pipe work is interior. Still not cold, but closer.

Locally, since our water is so hard, distilled water is cheap and easy. Literally pallets of it at the grocery store and walmart. I'll pick up a gallon tomorrow while I grocery shop and give it a try. I was considering using it as my final rinse on the razor and brush anyway, so they don't start to build up deposits that need cleaners to remove.

ETA: I guess I could also try putting a nalgene bottle's worth of tap in the fridge and try that too. It'd probably feel quite refreshing if nothing else. lol
Still in the GRUME , 1 day of growth

August GRUME : 2
2023 GRUYERE : 120

Razor : Merkur 34 HD C
Blade : Gillette Silver Blue (2)
Pre Shave : none
Soap (SOTM) : Arko
Brush : Proraso Boar
Aftershave: Dickinson's Witch Hazel, Bootleg Green Freeze, Proraso white

Pretty much a rinse and repeat from the previous day, nothing wrong with this.
Reporting in, made July, but I missed a couple of internet windows. I might not be able to catch up on all the posts for awhile.
I’ve been getting some excellent shaves with my Trac II, 2 passes and most of the work is done.
Here’s a photo from St. Michael’s Cave (guess how it got its name!) in Gibraltar. This formation is all natural, from the Stalagmites and stalactites. Of course the colors are from the provided lighting.
Last edited:
365 daily shaves
GRUME August
Blade Biter’s Archive04/32

Gillette Tech FB*Rhino (6)Omega Super Badger
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Proraso Green preshave
Alpha Men 2.0Cold splash
* Lasta Green/Red Handle

(details here)
Quality / My process
8/10 (~20m)10/10 (clean)
EffectivenessComfort / Blade condition
8/10 (DFS+)
8/10 (Smooth)

Notes to this shave:

Summary - smooth and comfortable shave similar to yesterday. Binned the blade.

For extended shave notes click here.

Enjoy your shave!
I'm still in....

Razor - Pinkwoolf CC87
Soap - Trigodon Wild seas - SOTMC
Blade - Gillette 7'o clock Super Platinum
Brush - Yaqi atlantis
AS - Axe splash

I'm seeing some amazing deals in Amazon, will be having some Independence day deals next on Aug-15th. But I hope I'll be able to resist the temptation.
As we are gentlemen here I just want to mention that I will be completing August in a 30/31 spirit. I did nothing exuberant or anything.

I went to get my eyes checked - regular check up - and very nearby is a Turkish supermarket, so it was just simple economics to combine my trip. I finally got hold of an Arko-stick (purely based on first sniff this stuff doesn’t smell very weird or anything). I won’t be using it in August as I want to continue my SOTM streak, but I might use it for September or October (not sure if I can take a full month of Tabac). As faith would have it, this supermarket also carried other shave items and I picked up a cheap boar or synthetic boar (jury is still out) standing next to the Arko. Just for fun.

Stay strong everyone!


As we are gentlemen here I just want to mention that I will be completing August in a 30/31 spirit. I did nothing exuberant or anything.

I went to get my eyes checked - regular check up - and very nearby is a Turkish supermarket, so it was just simple economics to combine my trip. I finally got hold of an Arko-stick (purely based on first sniff this stuff doesn’t smell very weird or anything). I won’t be using it in August as I want to continue my SOTM streak, but I might use it for September or October (not sure if I can take a full month of Tabac). As faith would have it, this supermarket also carried other shave items and I picked up a cheap boar or synthetic boar (jury is still out) standing next to the Arko. Just for fun.

Stay strong everyone!


I did the exact same thing (eye check) on Tuesday and also passed a Turkish supermarket (actually 2) yet I refrained from entering as I knew what would happen... :lol:
I did the exact same thing (eye check) on Tuesday and also passed a Turkish supermarket (actually 2) yet I refrained from entering as I knew what would happen... :lol:
My internal dialogue:

:innocent: - there is no need and you can do this at a later time.

:devil: - you know you want this! You are very nearby, this is for the better.

Right side won this time!

I am afraid to look at that recent eBay addiction now!


Still in.

Got shave 5 yesterday and shave 6 today on the Rubie laser.
Shave 6 is where I part ways with the Rubie laser in the Syntesi.
Would give a 8.7/10 on todays shave still a DFS.
Just got a bit of an irritating shave today, so it's time to try a new blade in the slant!

I'm thinking a Nacet, Timor, or Med Prep in the Legione Slant, guess we'll see how I feel when I load it up.

Have some DFS!
Still in the GRUME , 1 day of growth

August GRUME : 3
2023 GRUYERE : 121

Razor : Merkur 34 HD C
Blade : Gillette Silver Blue (3)
Pre Shave : Proraso Greene
Soap (SOTM) : Arko
Brush : Proraso Boar
Aftershave: Dickinson's Witch Hazel, Bootleg Green Freeze, Proraso white

Pretty much another rinse and repeat from the previous day, nothing wrong with this. slightly better post shave feeling.

Decided to use the last bit of Preshave I had in that jar, tired of seeing it sitting on the bathroom vanity. And I killed it, not that there was much product left in it anyway.

Haven't posted for a few days but completed July successfully and remain in for August.
Razor: British 1966 Tech
Blade: Voskhod (4)
Cream: Cremo Original (SOTM)
Post: Lucky Tiger AS/Tonic

DFS. Haven't used a brushless/slick cream in awhile- not since I first started using a DE last September. Nice to give the brush a rest for a bit and enjoy the efficiency of Cremo.
As we are gentlemen here I just want to mention that I will be completing August in a 30/31 spirit. I did nothing exuberant or anything.

I went to get my eyes checked - regular check up - and very nearby is a Turkish supermarket, so it was just simple economics to combine my trip. I finally got hold of an Arko-stick (purely based on first sniff this stuff doesn’t smell very weird or anything). I won’t be using it in August as I want to continue my SOTM streak, but I might use it for September or October (not sure if I can take a full month of Tabac). As faith would have it, this supermarket also carried other shave items and I picked up a cheap boar or synthetic boar (jury is still out) standing next to the Arko. Just for fun.

Stay strong everyone!


I hope you enjoy the ARKO! whenever you choose to use it. :)

Well, I guess that means we need a...

Roll Call!

1) @FoolishMortal - Forever, SOTMC = Arko August
2) @La Malice - GRUYERE, SOTMC = Arko August
3) Guido75 - out (8/3: ARKO!+) - 30/31
4) @Ribitski23
5) @LJBraaten - GRUYERE
6) @Balin - GRUYERE, SOTMC
7) @Multum in parvo - Arko August
8) @elmo_koffman GRUYERE
9) @Gaspare
10) @iver
11) @cryhavoc - GRUYERE
12) @BobbyB
13) @tjsgarden - GRUYERE, Arko August
14) @PersistentlyBlunt
15) @hopper_64 - Arko August
16) @silverlifter
17) @Gururajan - SOTMC
18) @Doti B
19) @Beto Salatini - Arko August
20) @ChriWilson - SOTMC = Arko August
21) @Tulsa1977
22) @Remy
23) @Chef455 - GRUYERE
24) @TOVT - Arko August
26) @MaineYooper
27) @lasta
28) @den fly - SOTMC
29) @Abz88
30) @Buttercup - Arko August
31) @Pyrate
32) @sandorfi - GRUYERE, SOTMC
33) @Roedeer
34) @Jack Goossen
35) @The Blackadder
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