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I find it best to ensure that all of your friends and acquaintances have jobs/careers for which there is no common ground amongst said group of friends. Let me give you an example based on some of my closest friends occupations:

1. Mechanical Engineer (he may as well be speaking a made-up language)
2. Global operations manager for an Aerospace company that makes electrical connectors on airplanes (OOOOHHHH, please tell me more about that!)
3. Rum Distillery working (probably the most interesting of all of them actually)
4. Medical sales (from what I understand, they just go out a party all the time...that's all I've gotten from it)
5. Engineer at Boeing (Booooorrrriiiiinnnnggg)
6. Personal Banker at Wells Fargo (he won't give me free money, so who cares)

Me? I do analysis and design for data entry systems using optical character recognition technology.

By default, we can't really talk about work because every conversation would involve a hour long dissertation about what the job is. Only exception is the two engineers when they are together, but we make them go outside.

If someone were to attempt to venture into my circle of friends that does the same work as myself, I'm afraid their application would be denied.

Or you could just politely excuse yourself from the conversation and walk away. The old "I'm sorry, but I have explosive diarrhea" usually works.

Please don't take my post the wrong way...I'm just trying to make light of the situation and if it offends, I apologize as that wasn't my intention.
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To the OP, that entire conversation has different forms. In grade school, it was what classes are you taking and where are you going to college. In college it is (still) what classes are you taking, what degree are getting or did you get a job yet. Now that I'm in graduate school, it's all about what I'm going to do with my degree.

Is it lame and surface level conversation? Absolutely. I think, however, that is a lead in to getting to know you better. A better approach might be asking about where someone is from or where they grew up or talking about food or drink that is being consumed at said social gathering.

"I work to live" - rockviper

So telling. People are not just their occupation or socioeconomic class. They get reduced down to that so that they may be grouped, categorized and organized in "relatable" terms.
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