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Your Tea Pot selections


The Lather Maestro
Wife’s tea pot collection. The one in the back is sitting on a warmer that holds a candle.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
😉 A tisane, technically perhaps. Herbal teas can be medicine, not sisifi-ing... 🤔 I brewed my own-grown catnip and passionflower teas earlier in the year.

Now - no joke - I have cats in my garden every night. 🤔 Except one night last week when a bear ran the cat out 🙀 at high speed!

I plan (after some RESEARCH!) to gather up some wintergreen berries and experiment with a hot drink.

We grew Comfrey last year, and some "lambs ear" or whatever it is really called. Has a big yellow tower of flowers at the top.

Supposed to be good for folks like me that have respiratory issues. I figure the wintergreen might help with the terrible taste...


My elbows leak
Staff member
I'm a sissy. I have an unsmart palate. I drink coffee hot and black, but in the winter months I like herbal teas. But those aren't really teas, are they?

I used to drink, along with some pretty tough Chinese construction workers a tea called Ba Bao Cha, or 8 treasures tea.
It's rock sugar, chrysanthemum, green tea, jujube, licorice, longan, raisin, and rose. Ingredients vary, with sometimes ginseng or citris peel substituting another ingredient, except for chrysanthemum, it always has chrysanthemum.
No one would stand up and tell those guys they were sissies for liking herbal tea. If they did, they wouldn't be standing up long.
I used to drink, along with some pretty tough Chinese construction workers a tea called Ba Bao Cha, or 8 treasures tea.
It's rock sugar, chrysanthemum, green tea, jujube, licorice, longan, raisin, and rose. Ingredients vary, with sometimes ginseng or citris peel substituting another ingredient, except for chrysanthemum, it always has chrysanthemum.
No one would stand up and tell those guys they were sissies for liking herbal tea. If they did, they wouldn't be standing up long.

What did this taste like? It sounds interesting.
Nothing special, a Williamsburg Kings Arms tea set. Discontinued some time ago. Most days I use an electric kettle with one of the cups for a single serving.

Yorkshire Gold is my favorite all around blend. Scottish Breakfast for something stronger.

BTW, that Southern Fried Chic add on B&B is locking up the browser.
I'm partial to PG Tips. :)

Oh, and getting a Contributor badge will sort that "locking up" issue straightaway. ;)
While those are some beautiful tea pots, and I have a couple of nice ones too, for actual use there is only one for me: The Hario Cha Kyusu Maru. I like many kinds of tea, and most recently have been drinking some very good Biluochun green tea from China and Japanese Genmaicha.

hario cha kyusu.jpg
I've had this little guy since my college days. He has only brewed oolong teas (as that is my tea of choice). I'm afraid that's made him a bit stuck up, as can seen by the tilt of his nose. 😁


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My elbows leak
Staff member
Some lovely teapots here. I've been drinking 2 pots a day out of a simple stainless steel pot since 1989.

View attachment 1332734
While those are some beautiful tea pots, and I have a couple of nice ones too, for actual use there is only one for me: The Hario Cha Kyusu Maru. I like many kinds of tea, and most recently have been drinking some very good Biluochun green tea from China and Japanese Genmaicha.

View attachment 1332741

There is something to be said for simple, clean design. Stainless and glass are favorites.

I've had this little guy since my college days. He has only brewed oolong teas (as that is my tea of choice). I'm afraid that's made him a bit stuck up, as can seen by the tilt of his nose. 😁
Those clay pots as I recall absorb tea that they contain. Many Chinese friends have designated pots for different types of tea and would never put Oolong in their Puer pot and vice versa.
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