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Your single best shaving tip

Develop good prep. You could use the best razor, best blade, best brush, and best cream or soap, but if your prep is no good, the shave will be awful.
Give a SE, injector, & a quality boar brush a shot. You may just love them and actually do what you planned to when you started Traditional Shaving & save money!
Don't over-complicate it!

The bare essence and joy of shaving must not be drowned in too much soaking, preparing, rinsing etc.

+1. I got some of my best shaves on a 2 week trip with the bare minimum. 1 each--razor, brush, shave stick, and brand of blades. No mug, no pre-shave, no alum, and minimal prep because I shared the bath with 3 other guys.
I've learnt lots of useful tips from these forums. However, there's one tip that really transformed my shaves, and it's this:

rub your finger tips with alum - this allows you to get a better purchase on your skin when stretching it during the shave.

I have a very angular jawline (not much fat around around there!), and I always used to have problems getting a decent finish around there. Since using alum on my fingers I now acheive a really good, close finish every time. I can't remember which forum or thread I read it on but I'd like to thank the poster for such a simple but effective tip.:thumbup1:

All this got me thinking: what's the single best tip you've come across?

Soak---soak---soak. A wet beard shaves well. If you have hot towels, enjoy the ride.
There are a lot of good tips in this thread (especially good prep), but one thing that I think is often overlooked is keeping your wrist locked. In my (limited) experience, I've found that it's just as important as good angle and no pressure. It can be difficult to do this consistently after switching over from cartridges, but when you do it makes a big difference.
Don't get Obsessive Compusive Disorder about every shave- BBS is overrated. DFS is where it's at.

Agreed. I really started to enjoy shaving, and my results were are lot more satisfactory, as soon as I ditched my quest for the perfect BBS.
Go with the grain and find the right blade for you razor. Don't conclude your razor is not as good as you'd have liked without having used a few different blades.
Don't force a bad shave, its OK to stop, change blades, get the Tabac out and start over.

Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. G. Washington

I like your signature as much as I like your tip:thumbup1:
Use sharp blades. Dull ones are whack. You could dip your razor in alcohol, and shake off to air dry, or leave it in the alcohol to get longer blade life.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Hmmm...my single best shaving tip?

As a group...don't forget the four (4), P's of shaving: Prep, Practice, Patience and Procedure (technique). :yesnod:

“Laughter is the [shaving] brush that sweepsaway the cobwebs of your heart”. Mort Walker
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