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Your single best shaving tip

Learn which direction your beard grows everywhere on your face. It doesn't grow the same direction everywhere, and everybody's beard grows differently.
Prep is crucial. Let the weight of the razor do the work. There are so many good soaps and creams out there; read up on everything. Have fun.
Don't over analyze everything. Take things a step at a time. When you come to a problem solve it then and not before anything actually arises. Don't try to fix what isn't broken and was never a problem in the first place.

When I started I was constantly overthinking. I was trying to correct "problems" that never existed for me. Most of the time this usually lead to more problems. There's no need to make everything so complicated. For example, I was worried about getting skin irritation and ingrown hairs. I invested in a bunch of pre and post shave products. Soaps, oils, and what not. Over time I find out that for me this was all a waste of energy and money. I did perfectly fine with just soap, brush, strop, razor, and cold water. By simplifying my shaving it was not only more enjoyable but actually better.
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