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Your single best shaving tip

Map your beard growth direction. This made the difference for my neck - after I figured out which way was WTG.
+1 to all the great tips above (especially cold water shave).
Don't get Obsessive Compusive Disorder about every shave- BBS is overrated. DFS is where it's at.


My shaves became much more enjoyable after I slapped myself silly to get the BBS bug out. And Besides, your face (and mine) will only have BBS for a few hours. A comfortable shave lasts all day.
This is not my tip but I learned them from mantics you tube videos

* Put conditioner on your beard while showering before shaving
* Shave with the grain on your mustache and for the second pass do an across the grain verse against the grain much less irritation
Alum is your best friend. Use it for cleanup, to hold your razor, to help with nicks, and for the most important reason of all at least to me. Use it as a learning tool. When you put the alum on and it stings, that's a place you used too much pressure or overshaved. It took me a long time, but I finally got to the point where when I used alum I didn't feel a sting at all.
Alum is your best friend. Use it for cleanup, to hold your razor, to help with nicks, and for the most important reason of all at least to me. Use it as a learning tool. When you put the alum on and it stings, that's a place you used too much pressure or overshaved. It took me a long time, but I finally got to the point where when I used alum I didn't feel a sting at all.
Hey dave is that a bird scuttle in your pic?


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Don't jab and dig the spiked tip of a cut throat razor into and under the flesh of your chin. (Even though apparently, I must enjoy doing it. :crying: )
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