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Your Shaving Gear Question

I’m in the $200-300 range. Mostly vintage blades and after shaves. I buy those items as I find them at reasonable prices, in preparation for the shavepocalypse.
Too much. About $1K on razors and another $500 on soaps, brushes and fragrances. That's not including what's been given to me
I did have a simple answer but after reading @BigJ's post I reconsidered. And as I'm apt to do probably over complicated my reply.


Inner ring is the amount spent on each hobby per year for the time I've participated; outer ring is the percentage spent on each hobby relative to the total spent on on all hobbies.

Great analysis!

My reading is that your data shows that you get many hours of enjoyment from your shaving ‘investment!’
Why did you start this thread!! Lol
I just added up everything I’ve purchased thus far, it’s a little more then I thought. But I am having a darn good time!!!

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Alternate question: How much does it cost to shave daily with carts?

It would be tough to calculate my DE costs exactly. I have PIF'd four razors, lots of blades and soaps. And I have sold some stuff, too.

On hand now not so much. Maybe $350. But I'm not through.

Frankly, compared to fly fishing, this so-called hobby is cheap. I don't own a motorcycle, or a boat, or a nice car, (mine is a dozen years old)---don't gamble, don't have a mistress, don't smoke or drink, not running for office, do not play golf. Hence, I am not bothered by spending $18 for a puck of soap. Small indulgence.
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Great analysis!

My reading is that your data shows that you get many hours of enjoyment from your shaving ‘investment!’
Thank you. What I should do is add additional rings that shows $ for the hobby against the amount of time partaking in said hobby. Sort of a bang for your buck sort of thing.

Now I like data, genuinely enjoy reviewing & analyzing data, looking for trends, extrapolating future conditions, etc. so part of me would be all over capturing all the requisite variables....then I have realize these are hobbies and I should just live in the moment.
Probably about $1,500, but I brought back about $500 by selling razors and am in the Restraint. I have some razors I’ll offer in this year’s auction and PIF’d a few razors, which will leave me with a core of razors I currently like. I will be looking to bid in the auction to support it and as a treat during the Restraint.
Alternate question: How much does it cost to shave daily with carts?

It would be tough to calculate my DE costs exactly. I have PIF'd four razors, lots of blades and soaps. And I have sold some stuff, too.

On hand now not so much. Maybe $350. But I'm not through.

Frankly, compared to fly fishing, this so-called hobby is cheap. I don't own a motorcycle, or a boat, or a nice car, (mine is a dozen years old)---don't gamble, don't have a mistress, don't smoke or drink, not running for office, do not play golf. Hence, I am not bothered by spending $18 for a puck of soap. Small indulgence.
So....i happen to own a motorcycle and a boat and a ton of other man stuff but I still find some way to fund this little hobby of ours. I would imagine since January 2016 which is when I discovered this... Uh... hobby (obsession) I'm in about 2K.

Still cheap compared to other endeavours!

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So far i've spent $105. Admittedly i overpaid on some subpar stuff, but in my defense the switch to DE was a snap decision i made when i was staring at another cart refill in disgust. Cost breakdown is as follows:

Van Der Hagen Razor and 5 blades: $25

Henry Cavendish Soap and Mug:

Fento Badger Brush and Stand:

60 blades from tryablade:

Dickenson's Witch Hazel: $6

Old Spice Classic aftershave: $9

Cost per year going forward should be low though. I have enough blades and witch hazel to last me 2 years so it's pretty much just soap and aftershave once a year for the next 2.

I did out the math and i was spending about $45 a year on carts and shaving cream. With DE shaving, i'm now using aftershave and witch hazel which are an added cost. But it's still cheaper for me per year to DE shave.

Blades run an average of $4 a year, witch hazel is $3, AS is $7 (as an amazon add on) and soap is about $15 (one puck per year). So it's $29 per year vs $45. Not a huge savings but like most here have said, the experience is worlds different.
So far i've spent $105. Admittedly i overpaid on some subpar stuff, but in my defense the switch to DE was a snap decision i made when i was staring at another cart refill in disgust. Cost breakdown is as follows:

Van Der Hagen Razor and 5 blades: $25

Henry Cavendish Soap and Mug:

Fento Badger Brush and Stand:

60 blades from tryablade:

Dickenson's Witch Hazel: $6

Old Spice Classic aftershave: $9

Cost per year going forward should be low though. I have enough blades and witch hazel to last me 2 years so it's pretty much just soap and aftershave once a year for the next 2.

I did out the math and i was spending about $45 a year on carts and shaving cream. With DE shaving, i'm now using aftershave and witch hazel which are an added cost. But it's still cheaper for me per year to DE shave.

Blades run an average of $4 a year, witch hazel is $3, AS is $7 (as an amazon add on) and soap is about $15 (one puck per year). So it's $29 per year vs $45. Not a huge savings but like most here have said, the experience is worlds different.
One puck a year? Really? You have quite the touch. :)


Remember to forget me!
I answered before about hardware, but never mentioned consumables. Mitchells soap is £7 here, and gives me about 500 shaves. A pack of 100 blades will last me about four years. A bottle of Nivea Sensitive Balm is £2.50 and will easily last a couple of years, as I only use it occasionally. I don't think the Alum is even worth mentioning based on how long that lasts.

In blades, soap, and balm, my ongoing costs equate to less than £10 per annum
Somewhere around 1400 in the 4 years I've been DE shaving.

A large chunk of that went into buying razors my first year. In the last two I have only replated my favorites and bought software.

I estimate that in the next 4 I will spend only around $100 -200 max in soaps, AS, Cologne etc.
Yeah i only shave 3 times a week. A can of barbasol used to last me 8 months to a year. But admittedly i've not been through a full year of DE shaving yet. I'm just basing it on a visual estimate of how much i've used in 4 months. I may be way off hahaha.
Not much. I used an aristocrat for 25 yrs and mostly dorco, gillette and Bic blades as well as Palmolive and old spice soaps. Since I lost my razor and found this site I’ve maybe spent a few hundred but that’s about it. A Maggard razor, Fendrihan and a Muhle r89 as well as a couple of semoque boar brushes and a few soaps.
I am just over two years into this journey. I have spent $473 on 36 razors. I have spent another $272 on strops, stones, bowls, soap, stands, and the like. I have recouped $450 selling off 21 off razors as I have pruned my collection to the ones I like. I haven't bought a single razor brand new, and the average manufacture date of the ones I use is 1926. I have tried to be cognizant of the amount of money I have spent so far, but I could still rein it in a little. I should probably get rid of two more so that my cost per shave is al least under a dollar.

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The Instigator
Well. No one thing has ever cost more than $70, and that was a No. 66 Aristocrat. But there have been a zillion items $20 and less, never breaking that "hey, your spending money!" alarm ....

This is an interesting question as many people venture in the world of DE and traditional shaving in order to save money or otherwise "stick it to the man" who produces those expensive cartridge systems. Only to spend many times more. :001_005:

If one stuck to low cost gear - such as buying shave sticks by the case, blades in bulk, a plastic click razor or Gillette/Merkur clone, Aqua Velva, etc they would indeed save a lot of money.
Easily $5000.00 plus. I have 2000 plus carts, hundreds of AC blades, hundreds of razors most costing $30.00 to $50.00 excluding shipping. I have around 300 creams or soaps, around 30 AS's. I have spent around $250.00 on bits and bobs in the last month including another mint injector to add to the 20 odd I have already. A mint Gem Feather Weight, about 6 creams of which two are in the upper price bracket. It's a good job I don't buy lot's of badger brushes or the latest Stainless steel razor.
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