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Your new Steward and a PIF!


Needs milk and a bidet!
Howdy all!

New steward to the great outdoors checking in! My stewardship so far has been spent in the contributors corner and now I'll be making the great outdoors my new home as well.

My great outdoors experience: fishing! I enjoy fishing for bass and catfish, bluegill are really fun and am thankful for any fish I catch...except bullheads:thumbdown
I love hitting the trails on my Schwinn but typically keep it under 20 miles - 20 leisurely miles :biggrin1:
Camping is always fun and I try to get together with the boys and visit Michigan to my buddies family cabin at least once a year. I'm always ready to bust out the tent anytime.
Just recently I have been getting in to firearms. I'm looking to purchase my first handgun soon and becoming a responsible firearms owner.

I'm really looking forward to sharing any bit of knowledge I can and learning new things.

Now how's about a PIF? I've noticed there really isn't a lot of PIFs done in this forum so how bout it!

I've raided my tackle box and selected a few items that are duplicates. These items are new/never used. Sorry for the ugly stickers on them, I tried to peel it off but they don't want that sucker to come off.

Winner will receive:
Berkley Trilene fishing line in 10lb, 14lb, and 17lb. All 3 are low vis. green.
Worden's Rooster Tail lures - 1/8oz and 1/4oz
1pk of rubber weights.

This will be open to anyone in the world. Professional fisherman or rookies. All I ask is that you post a picture of a recent (if you have one) fish that you've caught. If you have no pictures then please share a true fishing story :laugh:
I'll close this and pick a winner at random in a week or so.
Thanks folks! See you around the Great Outdoors!

Well Congratulations on the new responsibilities. A very generous PIF. Since I'm not active in Scouting any longer and my son moved out of state I don't really fish as much.

I'm not in, but know you will be a fine steward.
Congratulations on the new stewardship and thank you for the fantastic PIF Jason! :thumbsup:

Not an entry, but as for fishing stories, last time I went fishing I found out the hard way that Catfish have barbs, and that they do hurt!! :cursing:


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Congrats on the new forum.

Im out of the PIF, but I will give you my fishing story.

So I never really fished as a child. I can count the number of times on three fingers. So one day I am at work, and a co worker mentions he has a boat and was going to the lake. He invited me to go along. He had to tie my knots, and generally show me how to fish, but thats not the interesting part of the story. We decide to take a dip in the lake during out trip. I jump in and begin to swim around. The coworker jumps in as well. We swim for a bit, and its time to get back into the boat. Well I have to say that the ladder was either malfunctioning, or I have absolutely no upper body strength. Ill let you figure out which one. I begin to panic thinking I'm never getting back into the boat. I look towards shore, and it appears to be about 300 yards or so away. I figure I can swim back to shore. The Co worker calls for me to get back in the boat. I managed to summon the power of mighty Poseidon himself, and flop my way back into the boat. Needless to say, I did no additional swimming that trip.
Someone has to join in,
I'm in! Lake Erie Steelhead from the Grand River. Picture is a bit old... Holy heck, I still had glasses.
So this one time I went fishing and I did not catch anything at all.
This other time I went fishing and I also did not catch anything.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Congrats on the new forum.

Im out of the PIF, but I will give you my fishing story.

So I never really fished as a child. I can count the number of times on three fingers. So one day I am at work, and a co worker mentions he has a boat and was going to the lake. He invited me to go along. He had to tie my knots, and generally show me how to fish, but thats not the interesting part of the story. We decide to take a dip in the lake during out trip. I jump in and begin to swim around. The coworker jumps in as well. We swim for a bit, and its time to get back into the boat. Well I have to say that the ladder was either malfunctioning, or I have absolutely no upper body strength. Ill let you figure out which one. I begin to panic thinking I'm never getting back into the boat. I look towards shore, and it appears to be about 300 yards or so away. I figure I can swim back to shore. The Co worker calls for me to get back in the boat. I managed to summon the power of mighty Poseidon himself, and flop my way back into the boat. Needless to say, I did no additional swimming that trip.

:lol: it seems so simple...jump off the boat, jump back in the boat. Not so simple when you have zero leverage under your feet

Someone has to join in,
View attachment 385339
I'm in! Lake Erie Steelhead from the Grand River. Picture is a bit old... Holy heck, I still had glasses.

nice looking fish!

So this one time I went fishing and I did not catch anything at all.
This other time I went fishing and I also did not catch anything.
Sounds like my trips. If it was easy it'd be called catching.

Congrats, Jason!

Just curious, were you traumatized by a bullhead at a tender age? ;-)

:scared: not quite. I've done a lot of fishing in small retention ponds and "park district ponds" - the kinds where the city says "hey this is a nice pond. lets build a park around it". 9/10 fish I catch in these ponds are bullheads. Their mouth is fatty and they always swallow the hook. oh and they are slimy and have those barbs so you really have no choice to to grab a big handful of it, hold on tight and fight with the hook for 5 minutes. very much dislike bullheads.


I need a flea bath
One time I was fishing for Flathead in the dead of summer. They move into the shallows of of sand bars to feed at night. I had a leopard frog for bait and just as my pole bent end to end I saw Bigfoot on the other side of the river. :w00t:

Congrats on the GO buddy, we will make a good team in here, even though you are a non-believer. :lol:


Needs milk and a bidet!
Congrats Jason. But how can you expect a true fisherman to stick to the truth! It goes against the grain.
Fisherman are the most honest people I know :001_tongu

One time I was fishing for Flathead in the dead of summer. They move into the shallows of of sand bars to feed at night. I had a leopard frog for bait and just as my pole bent end to end I saw Bigfoot on the other side of the river. :w00t:

Congrats on the GO buddy, we will make a good team in here, even though you are a non-believer. :lol:

immediately after I read the words "one time I was fishing" I saw that ending coming :lol:
Welcome to the outdoors, Jason. You will do a great job here. I don't usually visit here much, but I should start. My wife is always trying to get me out of the house more.

I'd like to be in for the PIF if that's ok. I used to fish a LOT as a youngster (mostly pan fish), but now that my son is getting older, I'd like to start up again and take him with me.

About 8 years ago, I had spent a weekend up in the UP and spend a few hours out on Government Bay and Lake Huron. After about 3 hours, we had 3 fish. It wasn't the most fruitful trip, but is the last one I was on. Below is myself and my Father-in-law.



Needs milk and a bidet!
Welcome to the outdoors, Jason. You will do a great job here. I don't usually visit here much, but I should start. My wife is always trying to get me out of the house more.

I'd like to be in for the PIF if that's ok. I used to fish a LOT as a youngster (mostly pan fish), but now that my son is getting older, I'd like to start up again and take him with me.

About 8 years ago, I had spent a weekend up in the UP and spend a few hours out on Government Bay and Lake Huron. After about 3 hours, we had 3 fish. It wasn't the most fruitful trip, but is the last one I was on. Below is myself and my Father-in-law.

View attachment 385388

Consider yourself IN! They look like some good eating there!
Oh I was so hoping you opted for a 1911 PIF to promote the shooting sub-forum. Oh well, this will have to do I guess.

Great offer, BTW!
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