Important stuff bold face. Other stuff just boring back story.
I just shaved with each of my three razors over this past week. The razors are (in order of purchase): Merkur 180 Long Handled Razor, Weber DLC with Classic Handle, EJ DE89 Barley. I have been wet shaving since January having received the Merkur for Christmas. I purchased the Weber after reading a bit and liking that it was US made and pretty cool w/ the DLC. I purchased the EJ cause it was so dang shiney
Okay, sorry for the long back story. Anywho, none of the razors gives me a better shave than the Merkur. I'm wondering if there is something about the razor one learns on that makes it special. If you purchase a razor wholly unsuited for one's face I doubt this would happen. But what if the first razor you use is one best suited for one's face. I'm pretty close to trading out my Weber for a badger brush. The EJ gives a nice shave and I'll probably keep it, but that (based on forum comments) non-dazzling Merkur I'm keeping forever.
Important stuff bold face. Other stuff just boring back story.
I just shaved with each of my three razors over this past week. The razors are (in order of purchase): Merkur 180 Long Handled Razor, Weber DLC with Classic Handle, EJ DE89 Barley. I have been wet shaving since January having received the Merkur for Christmas. I purchased the Weber after reading a bit and liking that it was US made and pretty cool w/ the DLC. I purchased the EJ cause it was so dang shiney
Okay, sorry for the long back story. Anywho, none of the razors gives me a better shave than the Merkur. I'm wondering if there is something about the razor one learns on that makes it special. If you purchase a razor wholly unsuited for one's face I doubt this would happen. But what if the first razor you use is one best suited for one's face. I'm pretty close to trading out my Weber for a badger brush. The EJ gives a nice shave and I'll probably keep it, but that (based on forum comments) non-dazzling Merkur I'm keeping forever.