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Your favourite razor

Why for that matter, doesn't have to be the most expensive and it can be for the silliest of reasons.

As much as i love my ti my current favourite is a genco "easy aces"

She is a beauty of a razor that holds one mean edge, the fact it was nos for $100 makes it a bit of a steal for me.
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Yankee Cutlery #909. It came to me for about $20, with a cheapie strop included in the price (that I immediately shredded when trying to strop). It currently has a coticule edge, and just a hint of a smile. There was a similar NOS blade on SRP a few weeks back but, by the time I plucked up the courage to buy it, someone had beaten me to the buy.
Big Joe. (AKA 7/8 Joseph Elliot's Best Silver Steel, about 1/4 hollow)

He's not very pretty, but he gives the smoothest, most effortless shave of all my razors.

A lot of them are relatively the same in my collection in terms of mowing down whiskers. Spartacus, Le Grelot, EDACO came to mind first but if there was one that was comfortable to use and well "balanced":wink2: holding it, it would have to be my Wonderedge. Super crappy scale material but it feels good holding it.
I picked up an absolutely pristine as new, unused Dubl. Duck 5/8 wonderedge with the cracked ice scales at a knife show for a hundred bucks a couple weeks ago. No, it doesn't shave any better than my goldbug that I paid 22 dollars for, but it's kind of fun to enjoy it because of the delayed gratification factor. You see, I've wanted one of these for 3 years but could never bring myself to pay the outrageous prices these things used to fetch.

a modified Boker 101 RP that was ground down by a previous owner to a square point with a 2-1/2" blade.

Take 1/2 inch off and you'd be amazed how muh easier it is to hit the tight spots.
Ack! This is a tough one, but if I had to choose I'd probably take either the Robert Klaas "AM" (my very first razor, no less!) or a Puma 222.

Ask me again tomorrow and I'll say Dorko 300 or one of the Filarmonicas.
I'd have to say my Gotta 5/8" full hollow. Despite the patina and a cracked pivot on the back scale, it is a fantastic shaver. It deserves a rescale.


My newly acquired TI 1937 Special Coiffeur (thanks Scott!) would be second, only because it's a half hollow and I seem to be more of a full hollow guy.
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When I'm in a hurry, it's still my Merkur Bull Mastiff DE. :blush:

When I've got the time, it's this 6/8 Le Grelot 3/4 grind.

My Genco Fluid Steel; lovely to look at lovely to shave with :)

Have fun !

Best regards


Yeah they are lovely sadly i can see them going the way of the filarmonica before long.

Updated with pics btw she honed up a treat.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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It would be a close race between my Napoleon, John Heiffor and Joseph Fentons...

Antique Hoosier

The blade I cherish the most that I own is the one that was previously owned and used by my Great Great Grandfather George Rook of Liverpool England and later in the 1850's of New Amsterdam, Indiana. It is a handsome ivory scaled Wade & Butcher "Chopper".

My favorite shaver is my only other blade in my "rotation", a namesake "Fisher" 6/8
Interesting, two of my favorite shavers are a big J. Elliot for barbers and an unattractive Fisher. Otto Deutsch Hans, one of my Wostenholms and a beaten Es-Ex are also among my top performers.
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