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YOUR 1st one hundred blade purchase...

First 100 blade purchase I made was the $13/100 Personna labs deal on ebay. While not long lasting for me, I ended up getting a second box because they are incredibly smooth.

Also got 100 each of the Gillette Yellows and Astras because they are so well regarded here and the price was right. All blind buys, but luckily I ended up liking all of them (even if the Yellows are a little rough for me).
Believe it or not, I have not yet made a 100-blade purchase of anything, despite being on this forum since March of 2009.

The largest number of a single blade I've ever purchased was 50 Feathers. I tend to buy 10 or 20 blades of this or that. I never have more than about 35 blades on hand at any one time. I don't even know how many I have right now, but best guess would be about 30. since I use most blades for three shaves, that means I have three months to decide what my next small number blade purchase will be.

I guess I never got bit by the blade hoarding bug.

Known as:

100 Original Israeli Personna Double Edged Razor Blades, SUPER +

Feathers (back when they were only available from Classic Shaving).

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The Lather Maestro
Gillette Blacks (Ninjas, India - why are they called ninjas anyway? Aren't ninjas Japanese?????)
Astra SP. Only 100 I've bought to date. Shark SC's are the next but it seems everyone is out of stock on the 100 blade box or they simply don't carry them in 100 lots.
My first 100 were Red IP's, followed by Astra Platinum (200) and then Gillette Yellows. The Astras did not work out well for me, sold them on B/S/T. The next major purchase will be Gillette Super Stainless, a/k/a Russian Greens. which are now my favorites. The Yellows a close second. I still kick myself about not having bought 4 or 5 hundred Super Iridiums when they were available for $30.00 per 100, as I got a minimum of 5 great shaves from each blade.
First were 200 Astra SP

- 100 Red IP
- 100 Crystal
- 200 Voskhod
- 100 Personna Lab Blue

- More Personna Lab Blue
- PermaSharp
- Gillette Blacks
UNFORTUNATELY it was Derby's. :-( Then it was a 100 ct of crystals, now we were getting some where! Then it was a 100ct of red Personnas, and 100ct feathers...... Loved the feathers, Reds, just ok. Since then, it's just been 5 Or 10 ct packs just to test them out, including every brand u can imagine, including the Astra plats. Whic Brings me to my last 100ct purchase, the Astras, so between feathers, Astras, bics, and lord cools for travel blades, I'm pretty happy!! When 2013 hits and I'm allowed to buy stuff again, I will buy 200 Astras, and 100 feathers, pretty happy with those two, and I can switch me up if I feel like it.
My first purchase was for 100 Gillette 7 o'clock greens. I've since realized my blades of choice are Astra SPs so that was my second purchase of 100 blades.
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