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You Know You've Had a Good Shave...

...when SWMBO exclaims "Wow! Your face is totally frictionless!"

Now that's a smooth shave. :biggrin1:

That sounds a lot better than my first very-close-to-BBS reaction... "You feel like a 10-year-old!" I know what my wife meant, but it still sounded...er...odd. :lol:
That sounds a lot better than my first very-close-to-BBS reaction... "You feel like a 10-year-old!" I know what my wife meant, but it still sounded...er...odd. :lol:

Technically, if your face was frictionless it wouldn't feel like anything since there's be no sheer force against the hand...

but seriously, congrats on the shave ;)
My wife loves it after I have shaved even though I am still working toward my first BBS shave since I am still learning. If she thinks my face is great after shaving now, she hasn't seen anything yet! :001_cool:

My wife doesn't seem to care about the shave results. She's more interested in the cost.
Some things in life a man must keep hidden.
Money spent on gentlemenly pursuits is one of them.
What kind of woman would bring a coefficient of friction into a face rub?

And where can I find one please? :w00t:
What kind of woman would bring a coefficient of friction into a face rub?

And where can I find one please? :w00t:

I've heard he's married to a Traffic Accident Reconstructionist! I would really wonder what my wife was watching at night if she hit it me with that one. Still it sounded pretty positive, so I would go with it. Good job!:thumbup1:
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