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You Can Only Have Two Razors

I could easily just go with what I'm already using daily for a year now... My ATT Kronos. I wouldn't miss any other razors in the least (I do have 2 others - an R41 and a '55 Super Speed, but they're used only on occasion).
If they pass the said law of which you speak. I shall be in charge of the resistance forces and we shall see to it that all who wish to disobey the said law shall have means to do so. We will hold clandestine meetings in various cities and states, and run a propaganda campaign against the establishment...

Anyway, I couldn't possibly reduce to only two razors! At the very minimum it would have to be six; the following list is neither set nor listed in any particular order of preference. New SC, Aristocrat #66 , Sheraton, Rocket HD, Fatboy, Old Type.

An occasional shave from a Schick injector SE, and a Devette will also be in order.
I'd be with you.

Also love your choices although I don't have a Crat or Rocket, but the other 4 would remain hidden in a false bottom drawer and I would also have to have at least 1 1912.
Only 2 razors huh? Currently that would be my Fatip Piccolo and my Fatboy. If only two blades are allowed, it would be Voskhod's and Gillette Silver Blues, If only two Brushes, my Semogue Owners Club Boar and My Semogue 2010 Badger. If only Two Soaps, okay, on this one I would break the law!
Tough call.

Probably 1) Standard Razors Black and 2) ATT S2 (although I might choose a Krona for #2) I don't know.
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Two razors chosen:
King Cobra
ATT R2 cap and base plate with the handle off of my LA Shaving BBS-1 (made by Wolfman razors).

Left on the shelf:
LA Shaving BBS-1
ATT - H1, R1, M1, H2
Gillette New
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