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You are forced to thin your soap herd to 3...which ones?

AOS cream

Once the ADP and XXX are gone, I won't be paying to replace them. Somthing else will have to more into that top 3 (unless a friend/client buys me the ADP again). Right now, it's too close to call among a few contenders.
Taylor's Sandalwood would be one of them- it was my first good one, so I'm nostalgic about it.

Edwin Jagger/Muhle Sea Buckthorn- love the scent

I'd probably have to pick a Bay Rum for the third, if only to keep my better half happy.

Strop Shoppe SE w/ Tallow
RazoRock XX

As it stands now. Could change tomorrow. Honorable mentions: Mike's Natural, RazoRock KotC, Arlington and Speick lotion.
I've tried too many to count. The following are the survivors all unscented:

Martin de Candre
Mama Bear

Although, I believe I would replace the AOS with an
unscented Barrister and Mann Tre Citta if Will were to ever make one.

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