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Would you go to a baseball game

Seriously, I have been to Fenway and rooted for the Yankees....I survived.

That's unfortunate. Any Yankees supporter should be lynched on sight... :lol:

To the OP, I've done it. I'm an Oakland fan and took in an Oakland/Seattle game in Seattle five or six years ago. Was wearing my A's colors. Zero issues, aside from the heartburn I got from the beer and garlic fries... :lol:
Then they ate his reindeer, roasted over a fire of baby elves and bunny wabbits.

Nobody cares what shirt you wear at a Phillies game. Sixers too.
Eagles and Flyers games have a bit more alcohol involved and you'd get many a slurred slur thrown, but unlikely actual violence.
When I lived in the Chicago area, I went to Wrigley Field even though I was Sox fan. Just so I could see a game.
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Enjoyed a Saturday afternoon game at the Yards with son and grandson. Nothing better to bridge generations.


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Seriously, I have been to Fenway and rooted for the Yankees....I survived.

I'm not a major baseball fan but I do follow the Boston Red Sox. Now my brother is a MEGA-Bosox fan! Whenever there's a Red Sox game on tv I cannot call him on the phone whatsoever! He gets to emotionally involved in the game.

August West, no offense intended, but as you know all too well a megaBosox fan has "issues" with the Yankees. My brother is no different. I'll leave it that! lol
I would like to see the reaction of Bosox fans if they see Yankees fans at their stadium. What about rowdy Yankee fans
I'm not a major baseball fan but I do follow the Boston Red Sox. Now my brother is a MEGA-Bosox fan! Whenever there's a Red Sox game on tv I cannot call him on the phone whatsoever! He gets to emotionally involved in the game.

August West, no offense intended, but as you know all too well a megaBosox fan has "issues" with the Yankees. My brother is no different. I'll leave it that! lol

I just stay out of the cheap seats. :laugh:
When I lived in the Chicago area, I went to Wrigley Field even though I was Sox fan. Just so I could see a game.

I have never seen the Sox play at home. And for that matter although. I've been to many a Cubs game I can't really say I've ever seen a game either.

My father lived 84 years and never saw the Cubs win The WS. My sons ten and I doubt he will either.
hey rockero, a little late for a game this year, but i took my son to angel's/o's for his first game. we rooted for the o's who whomped the angels pretty good, and in the cheap seats no less. we saw two out of the three games in anaheim and had a great time, though the food at the stadium left a little to be desired. baltimore has way better concessions, imo. i don't like to root against anyone or heckel, so we kept it positive to what the o's were doing vs ranting against the angels or the fans.

for what it's worth, we are a lot closer to dodger stadium, but i had some reservations about taking my son there. i think it's fine, when all is said and done, that you wouldn't get harassed or mistreated unless you were really being nuts yourself, but in the end it was moot, because the o's didn't play la this year. after driving to anaheim in rush hour two nights in a row, i am less concerned about violence at dodger stadium.:001_smile looking ahead, i will be in anaheim in may for the o's three game series because once again, the o's don't play dodgers - oh well. :bored:
The wifely unit and I went to the 4th of July game in Cleveland when the Royals were in town. There was a kid for the Royals, Christian Colon, playing his second big league game. Two rows ahead of us were a couple from the Triple A town in Nebraska from where Colon was just called up. Every time Colon came to bat, thi couple got up and yelled their support for the kid. Right behind them (and right in front of us) was a hulking beast of a man who none-too-subtly urged the Nebraskans to sit down and shut up.
As it turned out, the Hulk and his wife were from Idaho, and as the game went on and Colon had a triple and two doubles, the banter between Idaho and Nebraska became funnier. At one point, someone asked Idaho if he was from Boise. "Boise?!? I'd rather live in Lincoln than Boise...", which made Nebraska laugh even louder.
After the game, and before the fireworks display, there was an on-field induction ceremony for some twenty new recruits. The Indians' PA announcer asked for current and former members of the armed forces to stand and be acknowledged for their service. The Idaho Hulk and his wife both stood up. The Nebraska couple turned in their seats, and nodded their thanks to their friendly "tormentors".
I'll always remember that little nod between Royals fans and Indians fans. Four people divided by team loyalty, but united by love of country.
Jeez, I can almost hear Kate Smith belting out "God Bless America"...
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