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Worst Product Ever As Gift?

Burt's Bees Bay Rum Shaving Soap.

I have posted repeatedly about how much I dislike this stuff.

For my birthday, I was presented with some Old Spice Classic Body Wash, from my kids. I also received a few extra bucks I need to replace a hand held GPS that was stolen out of my vehicle.

I'd mentioned to the wife awhile back that I'd like some Burt's Bees Bay Rum Bar Soap since I like the scent and a good bath soap is always nice to have.

Imagine my shock and dismay when I dragged this shaving nightmare from the little gift bag...I guess I forgot to mention what soap was what...:lol:

She kind of made up for this by buying me a car, but really? Burt's Bees Bay Rum shaving soap? :blink: :blink: :blink:
That's what I plan to do with the stuff.

I'm sure it'll make a good bar soap, but had she gone spelunking to the depths of Hades, she couldn't have found a shaving soap I dislike more.

Maybe that was her intent?
Is no so bad , Herban Cowboy is worst , a friend from Chicago give me this soap like a gift , but I dont know if he was send me a indirect message like " I don want to be my friend anymore and suffer with this soap.
I give the soap to my citizen I know he used why he dont talk to me anymore .
Herban cowboy is the worst soap on the market
As a stocking stuffer a friend gave modern day Williams soap, hearing that I use a brush during shaves. It was a nice gesture, but I cannot stand the stuff.
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