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Work Day Mug O' Delight

I get up quite early during the week for work so the last thing I want is a lather delay. I want something that's easy and quick to lather with good protection. My "Mug O' Delight" started a couple weeks ago when I decided it had been too long since I enjoyed Arko since I had only used it when travelling. So I unwrapped a stick and mashed it into an Old Spice Mug. It was excellent and as we all know easy to lather. A couple days later I spotted a sample of MWF I had been sent a while back from a vendor with one of my orders. Since I have a mug O' the Fat I like and use all the time I pondered what to do with the sample. In to the Arko mug it went! Since I was on a roll throwing things into this mug I gazed into the cabinet for something else to toss in. I cut a chunk out of a mug of Klar Kabinette and tossed it in.

So there you have it. A mug full of Arko, MWF and Klar Kabinette. The scents somehow work together and it's amazingly easy to lather with any brush and I dare say about any amount of water. It's hard not to start the day off in a good mood with such an easy and enjoyable lather! :001_smile
Sounds like you found a magic combination :thumbup::thumbup:

Yup! My Favorites are still probably Mikes Barber Shop and QCS - Queen Charlotte and a few others but this concoction is so easy to lather it's great for when I'm in a little rush. Pretty cheap too so I don't mind going crazy with it!
my frankensoap is tabac and haslinger sheep milk/lanolin shaved and mixed together. instantly whips a great lather. and smells wonderful.
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