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***WINNER**Grudge Match: Old vs Old; Thin vs Thick

At any rate I think blade longevity has as much if not more to do with good prep than angle or razor choice.
... and here we have another point that makes perfect logical sense but my findings are different (again). My "prep" consists of splashing some water on my face seconds before I start face lathering. Nothing else, no pre-shave, and definitely no shower before. FWIW, I used to shave completely dry (no water or lather) at least twice a week, usually more, during my younger years (always waking up too late to shave), and still do it on occasion to see if I still can. No irritation whatsoever, and I have a course Mediterranean beard that has gotten wirier when it turned gray.
No prep for me, apply lather to a dry face, no shower before. I get better shaves that way.
Amazing. Brother TobyC has tough whiskers, doesn't do any prep, shaves on a lathered dry face, and can get several dozens of shaves on a single DE blade using a thin capped Old Type? Did I read that correctly?

April Fools day was over a week ago, so that can't be it. Hmmm. I'm gonna need time to digest this. I don't understand, but I want to.

Looks like all the shaving books and traditional techniques may need to be overhauled and refined!

TobyC, would you take a moment to walk us through in detail your typical daily shave routine and the products you use? If you're on to something, I wanna be in on it too. :001_smile I've shaved daily for 65 years, and I'm not too old to learn a better way.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
Amazing. Brother TobyC has tough whiskers, doesn't do any prep, shaves on a lathered dry face, and can get several dozens of shaves on a single DE blade using a thin capped Old Type? Did I read that correctly?

April Fools day was over a week ago, so that can't be it. Hmmm. I'm gonna need time to digest this. I don't understand, but I want to.

Looks like all the shaving books and traditional techniques may need to be overhauled and refined!

TobyC, would you take a moment to walk us through in detail your typical daily shave routine and the products you use? If you're on to something, I wanna be in on it too. :001_smile I've shaved daily for 65 years, and I'm not too old to learn a better way.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Well, my preferred razors are the OLD type, thick or thin, and the pre-war Tech. I use whatever soap I happen to have in my soap container, and I've never gotten the same soap twice, I've even used regular bars of bath soap. For brushes I have boar, badger, synthetic, and horse, and I rotate through them. I don't shave at a designated time of the day, just whenever I have the time to spare. I lather on top of the soap, apply it to my face, and immediately shave. I find I get a cleaner shave with my whiskers dry and stiff. That's it, there's no ritual or elaborate process, just shave the way men have shaved for generations. I think folks get too caught up in buying shave products, and over thinking the basic shave, just keep it simple.
Round Three:
Same as before, two Gillettes loaded with Feather blades, MWF puck. This was a Sunday afternoon shave, so with two day's growth, there was work to be done.

Efficiency: This time the thick-cap seemed to have the edge. Blade feel was more obvious with this shave, and slightly more efficient.

Smoothness: Draw. I like the blade feel, no weepers, nics or irritation.

Ease of the shave: Thick-Cap juuuustt edges out the single ring. Again, the differences weren't as dramatic as I remembered them, but the thick--cap was a little quicker, easier.

Overall experience: Tough. These are two of my favorite razors, both survived the purge of literally dozens of other razors when I decided to par down my collection. So before final verdict, a few additional words and images.

The thick cap is, as I said before, one of Gillette's most humble, utilitarian razors. The ball-end handles aren't much to look at, even if they don't have the ubiquitous crack. From the collector viewpoint there's the various advertisement versions such as the "Use Ivory Snow" model that are pretty great. If you favor an aggressive shave, you'll want one, and they can by had for the fraction of the price of a single ring. Also, they'll accept other handles. While I did the Grudge Match with the stock ball-end, my preferred set up is the bakelite Clix handle.


The Single Ring is just about perfect. Nearly as efficient as the Old-Type, while the silver plating and much classier adjuster barrel is about as good as it gets in my opinion. While I'd have to be very lucky to get my hands on a double ring, this one from 1911, is pretty close to the OG.


Overall experience: If pressed, I'd give it to the single ring, but it's close enough that I might change my mind tomorrow.
It seems you and I had similar experiences with the two and for very similar reasons. The only difference is that at this point I am leaning towards the thick cap. Having finished the 3 shaves per the terms of this challenge, I intend to do two more shaves. One full face shave with each. I am hoping I will feel a little stronger about my final decision as to which one is better. Of course, there is always the chance that it won't settle anything at all. And I'll just have to live with that. I'm so glad I have a couple nice versions of each razor to use until I am unable to shave anymore.
I lather on top of the soap, apply it to my face, and immediately shave. I find I get a cleaner shave with my whiskers dry and stiff.
We must be twins. Fraternal of course; you look like John Wayne Robert Duvall and I look like Fred Flintstone ;-)
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Well, my preferred razors are the OLD type, thick or thin, and the pre-war Tech. I use whatever soap I happen to have in my soap container, and I've never gotten the same soap twice, I've even used regular bars of bath soap. For brushes I have boar, badger, synthetic, and horse, and I rotate through them. I don't shave at a designated time of the day, just whenever I have the time to spare. I lather on top of the soap, apply it to my face, and immediately shave. I find I get a cleaner shave with my whiskers dry and stiff. That's it, there's no ritual or elaborate process, just shave the way men have shaved for generations. I think folks get too caught up in buying shave products, and over thinking the basic shave, just keep it simple.



I make Napalm. Not intentionally, but there it is. I have one old tractor I keep because it has cultivator rigs. Great for forming hilled rows and doing the early weeding. Can't get that with anything built after 1960. Anyway, it is Gas not Diesel. And I forgot to drain the carb last fall. So, guess what is in the bowl now? Yup. Jelly Gas, aka Napalm. Danged modern stuff they sell for gasoline these days......

Anyone want a handful to shave with?

I got smart this spring. Went to the local track and bought some 110 octane. That stuff doesn't gum up. It costs $8 per gallon, but the old girl only holds 10 gallons and that is about my yearly use for the 10 acres worth I use it on plus a couple runs with a rake on my long driveway.

Anyway, back to the original topic.

I have the feeling that Grandpa left me one of the OTs that is better used for skin grafting than shaving. I shall have to get another one day and see. Because of this GM, I will try a Thick since his is a Thin.

I have been trying it lately with a used blade pulled from my main razor after 15 days, and the harshness is less than it is with a new blade. So, I have come away with something after all. :)

What's easier to cut cleanly, raw liver, or crisp, fresh celery? I don't think making your beard soft and squishy makes it easier to cut.
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