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Winn Dixie Blades

I bought these blades for 99p in Paignton today. The pack says "Made in Korea" and the blades are blank apart from indicator arrows.
Am I to assume these blades are Dorcos and probably 300s?
It's the first time I've seen blades in a blade dispenser round these parts and ironically I can buy 10 Dorco ST-301s for £2.55 in the shop next door.
Check it out:


They're imported from the USA, so are you guys familiar with these blades across the water?
Am I to assume these blades are Dorcos and probably 300s?

Almost certainly.

Winn Dixie is a southern grocery chain in the US. Next time I'm in one I'll have to look to see if they carry their own store-branded blades.
Almost certainly.

Winn Dixie is a southern grocery chain in the US. Next time I'm in one I'll have to look to see if they carry their own store-branded blades.

They're still around? They closed down all the stores in my area about 15 years ago and I haven't seen one since, I just assumed they went out of business.
OH NO!! DORCO Blades!!

Run for the hills, the man's wielding a DORCO!

The only blade that can make the shavepocalypse look good!

Seriously, these things are almost dull. If they can make it to just being dull, it would be an improvement.
OH NO!! DORCO Blades!!

Run for the hills, the man's wielding a DORCO!

The only blade that can make the shavepocalypse look good!

Seriously, these things are almost dull. If they can make it to just being dull, it would be an improvement.

Oh dear then...I took one out of the dispenser to see what was printed on the blade, and couldn't get it to go back in, so I've put it in my FaTip for tomorrow's shave. Maybe that wasn't the best decision.
Having said that, I quite enjoyed the ST-301s. They were very smooth for me but only lasted 2 shaves, so who knows what a 300 can do?
If I survive tomorrow's shave, I'll let you know...
Wow, I just noticed your join date...you don't exist yet! :scared:
Yes- the awesome majesty of the FaTip has given me the ability to travel in time, so I've come back from the future to tell everyone to go Open Comb.
I suppose this also means I survive using the Dorco 300 tomorrow night...
Yes- the awesome majesty of the FaTip has given me the ability to travel in time, so I've come back from the future to tell everyone to go Open Comb.
I suppose this also means I survive using the Dorco 300 tomorrow night...
Let us know how it goes.I'm interested to see whether you think it's the 300 of the 301.
Ah, that logo brings me back. My first job ever hah. I never recall noticing store branded DE blades, but hey if they're DORCO they might not be the finest in the world but I still think worth the 99p
Wow, I'd have never thought that a pack blades from a small, regional supermarket chain in the US would have made it across the pond!

Seeing that old W/D logo brings back memories. Here in North Texas, Winn-Dixie was the dominant supermarket in small towns. In fact, the little town I'm from got one in the early 90's (which put an IGA out of business in short order). Some years ago, W/D pulled out of the Texas market; some stores were bought out by Brookshire's (a chain that goes way back from east Texas), others were shuttered altogether. The Metroplex is a very, very competitive market for grocers.
Wow, I'd have never thought that a pack blades from a small, regional supermarket chain in the US would have made it across the pond!

Seeing that old W/D logo brings back memories. Here in North Texas, Winn-Dixie was the dominant supermarket in small towns. In fact, the little town I'm from got one in the early 90's (which put an IGA out of business in short order). Some years ago, W/D pulled out of the Texas market; some stores were bought out by Brookshire's (a chain that goes way back from east Texas), others were shuttered altogether. The Metroplex is a very, very competitive market for grocers.

Winn Dixie was recently purchased by BI-LO, but have kept the Winn Dixie moniker. I remember how terrible these stores used to be when I visited my sister here in St Augustine. But they have improved quite a bit over the years, and are now "acceptable", for the most part. They're no Wegmans, or even Publix--their biggest competitor here, but you can get by for a quick grocery run. And their meat is still pretty good, for a grocery store. Man I miss Wegmans.
Let us know how it goes.I'm interested to see whether you think it's the 300 of the 301.

OK- just shaved with the Winn Dixie blade and it behaved just like the 301- very smooth indeed for me but just not sharp enough and definitely on the way out after only 3 passes and a touch up.
I've never used a 300 so I couldn't say for sure, but as I said, I couldn't distinguish this from the 301.
Won't be using one in the FaTip again as it's the first time I've experienced any irritation with that razor...
Wow, I'd have never thought that a pack blades from a small, regional supermarket chain in the US would have made it across the pond!

Seeing that old W/D logo brings back memories. Here in North Texas, Winn-Dixie was the dominant supermarket in small towns. In fact, the little town I'm from got one in the early 90's (which put an IGA out of business in short order). Some years ago, W/D pulled out of the Texas market; some stores were bought out by Brookshire's (a chain that goes way back from east Texas), others were shuttered altogether. The Metroplex is a very, very competitive market for grocers.

Yep Winn Dixie and Food Lion used t be in Fort Worth and in my county but they all closed in the early 1990's
I bought these blades for 99p in Paignton today. The pack says "Made in Korea" and the blades are blank apart from indicator arrows.
Am I to assume these blades are Dorcos and probably 300s?
It's the first time I've seen blades in a blade dispenser round these parts and ironically I can buy 10 Dorco ST-301s for £2.55 in the shop next door.
Check it out:

View attachment 343693

They're imported from the USA, so are you guys familiar with these blades across the water?

That is a Dorco dispenser. The way to tell it from a Personna dispenser is that the long sides of the Dorco dispenser are straight while the Personna version has curved long sides. The dispenser version of Dorco blades aren't bad but there are better blades IMO. These Dorcos are sold in the US at the likes of Dollar General and Family Dollar with five blades per dispenser for $1. 99p (about $1.57) for ten actually isn't a bad price for these blades.
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