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Whisk-Off vintage shaving soap

just in from dbay:


The puck is slightly smaller (thinner) than a Williams or Colgate puck; these have no scent left (I don't know what the original scent was and it is not clear from the boxes). The soap seems to lather well - not as creamy as vintage Williams or Colgate - certainly not in Yardley's class. It's taken me a few tries to get the hang of some soaps, though, so I'm hopeful that this will work out.

Has anyone seen, heard of, or owned & used this stuff?

I am going to get some EO & drip a drop or two into the lather bowl to see if I can smell this up some.
Do they have a list of ingredients?

no list, nope. back in those days, maybe better not to ask...?

I'm sure it is tallowicious, however - by information & belief that was the default back in the 20th. (Please correct me if I'm wrong....)
That is really neat!
Congratulations on a good find, I think it's great that you're using it too :thumbup1:
I'm not usually one to just post a "very cool", or "nice score", but...
Very cool, man. Nice score:thumbup:
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