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Whipped up a dud (MWF)

I've been using a lot of different soaps here recently (Mystic Water, Stirling, Tabac, to name a few) and have been having some really fantastic lathers. This morning, I decided to go with one of my absolute favorites - MWF with a little TOBS Grapefruit. When I started in on the MWF I thought, "my brush is a little too wet...I better load a little longer."

Long story short, I ended up with a soupy disaster. I added more soap, some of the TOBS, some MORE of the TOBS, and nothing worked. Finally, I decided to scrap it and start over. I hate wasting product, but at some point, you realize there is no hope for the lather.

In the end, I ended up with a fantastic batch of lather, but does that ever happen to any of you? Do you ever just have an off day with your soaps?
Usually if something goes wrong it is easily correctable with more product or water. MWF seems to be one of those products finicky products which rewards you get it right.

Sometimes I do undershoot a products peak potential particularly if I haven't used a product for a while.
It's easy to add more water, harder to add more soap. When I'm loading the brush, if it's really foamy right away, I'll just start over. I rarely get it right, usually too dry, but then a few drops and it's fine.
Occasionally yes...usually when I'm really tired and not paying attention in the morning...and for me, this is usually a result of say failing to squeeze out the soaked brush or something. No big deal...a quick squeeze of the brush and shake of the puck and you're in business
I don't often get a poor lather from MWF. I find if it's a bit watery, I just keep working the brush on my face or palm for a bit...and next thing you know, Bob's your Uncle.
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