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Which soaps to try next?

OK, I have tried a nember of soaps and creams and for the most part i prefer soaps. Since i have whittled my supply down a little and now only have 3-5 years worth of shaving soap i thought it a perfect time to bring in some fresh stock. I already have on order samples of SMN and MDC. I know a lot will say MWF and that is on my List to try. What else is Worthy? I'm just talking soaps here. Creams is a whole other ball of wax.

Heres what ive tried and liked:
Mikes natural,
Mystic Water,
La Toja stick,
Palmolive stick,
Col Conk,
VDH Luxury

And here are some ive tried and didnt care for:
Mama Bear,
Williams (duh),
I'm not a fan of the scent of Cella, but recently picked up the rec container and found that most of the scent had dissipated into a lightly scented, wonderful soap whose most prominent scent was soapy goodness with a very slight hint of Almond.

If you give your Cella some time to air out, you'll find a lightly scented very effective soap.

I've only used RazoRock Classic, which has a strong marzipan/sweet almond scent, but I understand that other RR soaps have different scents. Can any of you Razo Rock fans verify this for me?

If you like Palmolive, Arko and La Toja sticks be sure to try Wilkinson Sword's shave stick. It's lightly scented but contains both tallow and Lanolin, produces a wonderful lather that both cushions and provides good lubrication.

Also I would recommend a Speick stick, some find it slighly drying but it's a great soap and has a wonderful light lavender scent.
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