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When do you change the blade of your DE ?

I think you're getting the idea. Each blade and each shaver are different. I use Red IP's and have been going two shaves with them. Recently I tried a third shave and the results were ok. I might start going three and out. I need a few more tests to see. With the exception of Feather blades they're all really cheap so it's no biggie to toss one whenever you please.
I have enough Derby's to last me 6 months, so I'm pretty liberal with the swapping. I have been swapping after 2 shaves. Not that the 3rd shave is bad, but it's not as good as the first 2.
My neck is my judge. When it starts to weep the red stuff or gets angry, out goes the razor blade. True of DE or cartridge.

Jarmo P

I change a blade after 4 shaves. I don't count if the last shave was excellent, away the blade goes.
I'm intrigued by how few shaves guys are getting from their blades. I don't push it at all but I easily get 5 or 6 shaves from a Swedish Gillette - which is my preferred blade. I ship them out while they're still going strong and long before they bite me.
In a book called 'Cutting Edge' by Gordon McKibben, a history of Gillette, on page 56 you find the tale of how the first Wilkinson Sword stainless blade rocked Gillette's attempts at world conquest. McKibben writes, 'The new stainless steel blades were good - excellent in fact, selling out at once in the few American stores that could get deliveries in mid-1962. Users claimed that they would get at least a dozen smooth shaves from each blade, compared with three or four shaves from the best carbon steel blades, including the Super Blue.'
Historically Wilkinson nearly put Gillette out of business because millions of DE users were getting way more than 2 or 3 shaves from their stainless blades. The problem with carbon blades wasn't sharpness, the only advantage of stainless was longevity.
This seems to confirm that many of the blades available today just don't compare with the stainless blades available in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I'm nonplussed for another explanation.
For me I switch them out as soon as there's a hint of a tug - even if that means mid-shave.

As for the perceived longevity of the various blades - I'm sure that there's a lot of "YMMV" going on there - like there is diversity of opinions on blade performance.

Perhaps some blades have a "thinner" (ie. more fragile, due to the angle of grind) edge that's more easily damaged by the action of cutting hair than others? (Coupled with a personal perception of how dull you're prepared to go before switching - I'm sure that there are many people out there that would continue to shave for a week on a blade I've discarded as blunt & unusable, and that there are as many that would immediately discard a blade I've just put on as being blunt & unusable)
I'm intrigued by how few shaves guys are getting from their blades. I don't push it at all but I easily get 5 or 6 shaves from a Swedish Gillette - which is my preferred blade.

+1. I also use Swedish Gillettes and I use each blade for 7 two-pass shaves. (And I don't push it, either.)

Jarmo P

With Gillette Platinums I sure can see why you need to stretch.
Costs almost 1 euro/blade. And good blades they are if I remember.

I have not used them for ages, so I am not able to tell how good they are on my skin. They are much better than Feathers on my memory. I still have a few and might check if they are too aggressive under my chin ATG.

Red pack Personnas cost about 10 euro cents. I see no need to try stretch them more than 4 shaves. I have changed a blade for sure after a nice 4th shave many times.
I've gone 2 weeks with blades on several occasions ~ 10+ shaves, without problems.

I've never had any pulling, but sometimes the blades begin to shave noticeably less effectively.

I generally try to change blades every Sunday, but I forget, it's no biggie. IMHO, one can go more shaves on their blades than they probably do.

Sure, blades are cheap. But the worst thing that could happen with a dull blade is that it doesn't cut; it's not going to snap in an aggressive explosion, sending shrapnel all over your face :lol: A lot of guys seem to fear a specific number of shaves, often citing "Blades are cheap, your face isn't."

Change it when during your shave you start to think "...I bet a new blade would cut better."
With Gillette Platinums I sure can see why you need to stretch.
Costs almost 1 euro/blade. And good blades they are if I remember.

Well, the thing is that I don't "stretch" the blade. I get 7 shaves out of them without any effort.

Also, they cost about 50 cents/blade. Unfortunately I can't tell you where I order them because that (UK-based) vendor is banned on B&B.

Jarmo P

Paul's site not so secret. I have had good purchases with him :001_smile
I suggest though you try John at westcoastshaving for Red Personna blades.
With Gillette Platinums I sure can see why you need to stretch.
Costs almost 1 euro/blade. And good blades they are if I remember.

They cost £1.25 for 5 in the UK at John Lewis - a large department store - that's just over 3 blades for 1 euro which is fine by me.
But it's not a case of stretching them anyway.
Their outstanding qualities are:
1. They're as sharp as Feathers.
2. They're the smoothest blade going.
3. You never get a bad one.
4. Their longevity is outstanding.

You gotta love the juxtapositions that sometimes show up!! :w00t:

LOL! That's great! :lol:
I don't bin my blade after 3 shaves because I read it on here. Once I went for a fourth and it pulled. So, now I just accept the 3.

They are really cheap so I figure I may as well be happy 100% of the time with my shave rather than say 75%.

You gotta love the juxtapositions that sometimes show up!! :w00t:

LOL! That's great! :lol:

Well, I must be doing something wrong. :wink:

I'm a newbie and I had no idea you were supposed to get over 300 shaves using a single blade...

One blade per year? Is it the benchmark set by the mods here?

Come on guys, help me! I can only get no more than 4 shaves with a Derby... :lol::lol:

This is exactly why I like this place so much :smile:
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